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After leaving the restaurant I was so angry. I was riding to Lisa's house when I felt pain coming from my lower stomach. This baby has been kicking my ass lately . I pulled up to Lisa drive way when I go a text from August, saying " I don't like the way you put your hands on my baby mama, you better hope I don't catch you out on the streets ". If he think I'm scared of him he got another thing coming. Yeah I know I was wrong for beating her ass , but she was asking for it . I just hope the baby is ok because I ain't got time to go to jail. I was knocked out of my thought when I got a text from Trey saying " what the fuck is wrong with you , I should beat your ass the way you beat briana's, I just wanted to let your stupid ass know I'm pressing charges on you. After reading that I could feel tears forming in my eyes . I couldn't believe these two bitch ass niggas. While I was sitting there my stomach pains got worse ,and water was dripping down my leg. I hope I'm not finna have this baby during all this drama.

I can't believe Nazia really beat briana down like that. I don't know what got in to her , but if I lose that baby I'm killing hers. Nazia is a bitch and she knows it , I got knocked out of my thoughts when the doctor came in. I could tell by the look on his face it wasn't good . He looked at me and said " I'm sorry but she lost the baby". I couldn't even think straight I punched the wall. This is the second time I lost a baby , because of Nazia .

Man I can't believe how Nazia acted. I swear on my mama I will kill her if I lose my child. She think it's ok to beat up on pregant women. She wouldn't like if I beat her ass while she pregant, well she ain't got a choice. I layed down on the bed to clear my head . I ready for her to come home, so I can give her a piece of my mind.

I was getting dressed for bed when I seen headlight out in the drive way. I went outside to find Nazia sitting in the car with blood on her dress and hands. I shook her but she didn't respond, but I heard something crying. I looked down and saw her baby girl, I grabbed her phone to see a horrible text from Trey. I called the amberlance to come get her. I have a bad feeling about what happened tonight.

Happy summer guys, I'm back I will "Try" to update often . But I got a question should I write a sequel to this ..?

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