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She just kept saying it for some reason I couldn't understand until she said I saw here today at the doctors office". I stopped and thought who could she be talking about until she said " Nazia's pregnant with your baby when where you going to tell me.?"." I just found out my self today" I told her. " Well I have more news for you "briana said. She stopped taking a deep breath before saying " trey I'm pregnant". What the hell is going on with my life ? I'm having two babies , we'll one and that's briana's . Fuck nazia and her baby , but I still don't fully believe Nazia is pregnant. I don't trust her , but I hope she really do get this abortion .


I was driving for a long time until I figured out where I was going, that's when it hit me I should surprise Lisa ass. I ain't heard from that girl since we had our little girls night out. I pulled in her drive way , and got out knocked on the door twice. When she opened the door she said " I know you got some gossip for me , and don't leave out nothing". She was right I do got a lot of gossip for her . I sat down and got my self comfortable . " Now what's been going on with you and trey I saw the instagram post" she said. Well Trey and I where married for 3 years. It was like the first 6 months of our marriage we where happy" I said. I stopped and then continued " It all started falling apart when he told me I was his secret , and that I couldn't tell anyone about the marriage". I could feel myself about to cry but I stopped myself because crying over the situation won't get me no where. " He controlled me for a long time , but now it's time to stick up for myself" I siad. Lisa was in tears I did the know why that's not even the sad part about the whole thing. "I'm pregnant I told her " I told her. She looked and said " Is Trey the father". I laughed and answers her " yes he's the father , but in his mind I'm a hoe and that he want me to get an abortion". "Well are you guys getting a divorce" she asked. " Yeah we are , he already found someone new". She looked at me with so much anger in her eyes. " I should pay trey and the hat little hoe a visit " Lisa said. Lisa don't do that I'm so over him and her , of they want to be together let them" I said. I stopped and laughed to my self and continued " I'm done I don't want to say anything to him , nor her I tired of crying over a stupid ass nigga". She looked at me and laughed. " well if you need anything you know I'm here for you " Lisa said. Treys going to get what he deserves , for all the shit he put me threw. Karma is a bitch , and she coming for Trey.

So what did you guys think .?

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