Aliyah Ja 'Zah Marie Johnson

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As soon as we got to the hospital, they rushed Nazia back. I need answers about what happened tonight , so I decided to text Trey.
Text convo
Lisa:what happened to Nazia, I found her in the drive way unresponsive, and blood all over her.
Trey: What the fuck you means she unresponsive.? I mean thats what she deserves , and the blood came from her attacking briana.
Lisa: I hope you know she is in here fight for her life , because not only was she unresponsive. She had a damn baby. Your such a bitch , how could you put her through all this mess. Don't even think about coming up here either, and briana got what she deserved.
I swear I was done with this nigga. How the hell do you say your happy that your friend is unresponsive. I see what Nazia was talking about. I sat there thinking who could I text next . I decided to text August.
Text convo
Lisa: hey August this is Lisa Nazia bestfriend. I wanted to let you know that she's in the hospital right know

August : I hope she dies in the hospital , her and that damn baby

Lisa: Damn your fucked up just like trey , this girl is up her fighting for her life and all you can say is I hope she dies.

August :well if she wouldn't have beaten up my baby mama I would have said that. Know get the fuck off my line.
I can't believe the both of them, My bestfriend is up here dying and they could care less. I guess I'm going to be the only one here for her besides the baby.

I was walking down the halls to see of I could find Lisa. I really want to cuss her out. How the fuck she going to call me, and tell me about a bitch I don't care for. I finally found her , I tapped her on the shoulder causing her to jump she turned around and said " I'm surprised your here, since you wanted her dead. I paused apart of me did want her to die ,but another part wanted her to be ok. I looked at her and said " I just came to see if that damn baby look anything like me. I know the baby is mine , I just don't want it. I sat down across from her, it was silence for awhile, until she said why did Nazia attack briana anyway". It took me a minute to figure that out myself , because as long as I been with zia she has never been violent. I looked at her and said " I dont", before I could finish my sentence the doctor came out and said "The Family of Nazia johnson". Lisa jumped up and I followed behind her,while we where walking down the halls I grew angry the closer we got to the room. I got knocked out of my thoughts when the doctor said " Mrs. Johnson is fine she just need a little rest , and as for the baby she's healthy ". He looked at both me and lisa, and walked away. When I walked in the room I saw Nazia holding the baby I got angry. I got angry because I lost my baby because of her , and her anger issues.

I woke up lost, last I checked I was at Lisa's house. When I looked down at my stomach tears started to roll down my face. I can't believe I lost the baby, it's all my fault why. The one thing that loved so much is gone. I started to get up , but I realized I was hook up to some machine. The. It hit me I'm at the hospital , for what I don't know. I pressed the button to call the nurse , she quickly came in. She looked and said " how can I help you Ms . Johnson". I looked at her and said " where is my baby"? I asked even though I know I lost her. She looked at me and smiled, and said " your baby girl is in the nursery". When. She said that my face lit up, but I still wondered how I got here. The nurse walked out , and a minute later she had my baby on her arms. She looked at me and asked "whats her name?". I couldn't think of anything until I said " her name is Aliyah Ja ' Zah Marie Johnson. She handed me the baby , and walked out. The doctor came in minutes later , and told my Aliyah was healthy. Before the doctor left out he said " You have guest here to see you , and the baby. Mind couldn't wonder who it could be , I hope it isn't Trey nor August. I don't have time for negative people right now. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Lisa came in along with someone o didn't want to see "Trey". I don't know why she called him well she doesn't know what's going on, nor who the farther of my child is . I wish I could tell her everything from the beginning , but it's to complicated. I looked up at Trey who looked irradiated as hell. I really didn't know why be would show up.

After I got that text from Lisa , I rushed to the hospital. Once I got there I went straight to the front desk asking" Do you have a patient name Briana Smith". She looked up from the computer and said " Room 202". I thanked her and ran to the room once I got there I saw briana hooked up to all those machines, and I couldn't help but get angry. How could I let Nazia do this to her. What really pissed me off was the fact that her so called boyfriend wasn't up here with her. I had to find out what room Nazia was in, so I ran to the lady at the front desk asking "Do you know what room Nazia johnson in". She smiled and said "she in room 684". I thanked her and went to Nazia room. When I walked in I saw her holding a baby. Anger filled my body, but I had to keep calm. I saw her bestfriend, and Trey bitch ass sitting there. I wanted to beat his ass , but I was trying to be nice. Once Nazia noticed I was in the room she looked at me like she was disgusted. Before I could say anything the doctor came in with a birth certificate. The doctor look at Nazia and said " whats the baby name.?" Nazia paused for a second and said " Aliyah Ja ' Zah Marie Johnson ". Trey looked at her as if he was upset , and I looked at he r pissed . Once the doctor waked out trey spoke up and said " I thought the baby was supposed to have my last name". She laughed like it was funny , but I was hella confused. I spoke uo and said " Nigga she must have lied to you because the baby was supposed to have my last name". Trey looked at me hella confused as well in until Lisa said " Nazia what's going on ".
Nazia looked at her as if she was scared, but she said " yeah the baby was supposed to be name after yall , but you guys wanted to act like assholes. She paused for a second and looked at Trey, and said " You have the nerve to think the baby was going to be named after you ,after you didn't want to claim her . She laughed and looked at me and said " how about you go tell briana to name the baby after you. Before I could say anything else trey spoke up and said " Bitch it ain't no damn baby, your the reason why she did have the first". I couldn't believe what I was hearing Briana lost the baby because of Nazia. This is way to much drama, and how does trey know about her losing it.

The baby is finally here , but the book only has 2 more chapters left !!

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