Girls night out

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                    *NaZia POV *

When I got home all I could do was cry , and think about the words he said . " no one cares about your damn feelings". After sitting there crying I decided that Trey was not going to mess up my night . So I called my best friend Lisa to see what she was doing tonight.

                     *Phone conversation*   

     Lisa: Hey girl I haven't talked to you in a while.

NaZia: Girl I know I have been busy with my own personal problems.

Lisa: Girl what is wrong. You know you can tell me anything.

I sat there and thought about it for a while should I tell her I'm married to Trey songz ,or should I just make up a lie. After sitting there for some time Lisa started yelling my name .

NaZia : Oh , I'm  sorry girl I was just thinking about what going on with my mom and how she still sick .

Lisa: Girl you know if you need anything I'm here for you .

NaZia: Let's change the subject , Do you Wann go out tonight. ?

Lisa: Girl yass that would be nice we haven't been out in a while.

Nazia: should we go to tonic or krypton tonight.

Lisa: Girl you know tonic is the place to be tonight

Nazia: Alright tonic it is . meet me there @ 10:30

Lisa :Alright see you at  10:30.

After getting off the phone with Lisa I started my shower . I stayed in the shower  for 30 minutes . I looked at the clock it it was already 9:35.  I went in my closet and got out my clothes , and started to apply lotion to my ashy skin. While doing my hair and makeup I could only think if Trey was going to tonic tonight. After applying my lipstick I grabbed my phone  , and keys  went out the door to my black Range Rover  , and drove off.

             *     Trey's Pov*

I guess I'll go to Tonic  to night cuz the bitches there bad. I called up a couple of my boys so we can head down there.  While I was getting ready I was wondering how I was going to tell NaZia I want a divorce.  Right now my mind shouldn't be on that  , but it should be on how fucked up imma get tonight. After taking a picture and putting it on Instagram.  I grabbed my keys and walked to my black Audi , and drove off.

                 *   Na'zia POV*

I arrived at Tonic , and immediately started looking for Lisa .

you looking hard ain't you Lisa said.

Hey girl , and yeah I was it's packed tonight

Girl yeah you know it's always like this. Lisa said

Let's go to the bar and get some drinks.

As we were making our way to the bar . I spotted Trey and his boys I tried so hard not to make eye contact with him but I did. As soon as looked his way he started kissing on some groupie. I was about send him a text when Lisa said something

Lisa: Girl what are you looking at. cuz you damn sure ain't looking at my fine ass

NaZia:(Laughs) Girl you stupid and I'm not looking at no one just thinking.

Lisa: why are you lying I see you looking at Trey , but it seems like some one got his attention.

Lisa was right someone does have his attention , and it's not me . I think he's doing this on purpose to make me jealous, and he's doing a great job at it.  Why would my husband try to make me jealous of some groupies.  he needs to make them groupies jealous of me .

do you think Trey is wrong. ?

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