The start of something new

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After I left the restaurant I felt a whole lot better. I never talked to Trey before like that , but its the new  me . I fucking like it! I was driving home when I got a phone call from Trey.

Trey: what the fuck was that Nazia.?

Nazia: ( laughs) what I want , something wrong Trey. ?

Trey: you where fucking disrespecting me.

Nazia: no , it was that bitch that was disrespectful.

Trey:bitch ( laughs) your so quick to judge someone.

Nazia: bye Trey

I hung up before he could say anything else. He needs to get a life


I can't believe Nazia pulled that shit . I swear she so fucking judgemental . Nazia don't know briana so what gives her the right to call some one a home wrecker.  After I got home I called briana . She picked on the first ring

Briana: hello

Trey: hey I just wanted to apologize about what happened earlier tonight.

Briana: is that girl from the club?

Trey: yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you at first that she was my wife

Briana: it doesn't Matter you got me now . No need for the ugly bitch.

Trey: (laughs) so where together now?

Briana: yeah

After I got off the  with briana I was happy that I got briana , but the fact she didn't get mad about the whole Nazia thing . I'm just ready to get this divorce over with so I can start my new life with my new girl.


I hope Trey don't think I'm done with him. After all the heart break he put me threw , so when I went home I found our marriage papers and posted it on instagram. Since he want to play games Nazia can to. After I posted the picture everyone was blowing up my phone , so I turned it off and went to bed . Making him mad is funny.


Went to bed happy , and woke up mad Nazia is turning to a person I have never seen before, and  She starting to become a monster. I woke up with over 30 missed calls , 60 texts , so I went on instagram to see what she posted. It was our damn marriage papers , so I tried calling her to see what was up but she wasn't answering . I got something for this bitch when I see her.

Do you guys like Trey and Briana together. ?

How do you feel about Nazia and her new attitude. ? 

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