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CJ can't decide what is making her a little less miserable nowadays. Could be the sun could be that party where pretty drunk girls practically threw themselves at her when she gave them the slightest bit of attention. Who's to say really?

She won't be anyone's experiment though. She doesn't know why she's enjoying herself so much, but she'll take it. It probably won't last long anyway. Or maybe it will last long since she hasn't heard any semblance of a plan from Chase. The plan they did execute worked ... well enough. Did CJ technically screw it up? Yes. Did she mean to? No.

Chassie was right there in the moment shoving her tongue down Harry's throat and some pretty girl in the crowd got CJ's attention. She got distracted and apparently, that killed the moment. That stupid jewel made Chassie do everything CJ was doing, CJ looked left, Chassie looked left straight through the window they were watching from. How is that her fault? She didn't know the stupid thing worked like that. 

She's tired of acting like she thinks this is all going to work. They're going above and beyond in this plan just to give some old man what he wants.

So far the brightest idea CJ can come up with is the pretty magical stones sitting inside the vault at the museum. Uma has magic, there's no way she can't think of some kind of way to open the door. Or Fairy Godmother's wand. Or Jaffar's staff or Maleficent's. Or King Triton's Trident. Literally any of the thousands of magical objects sitting in that building.

They could've bibbidi bobbidied all the heroes into a little cage that is sunk into the bottom of the ocean.

No one will listen to her, however, and have decided to completely ignore the very easy and quick option sitting right in front of them.

They wouldn't have to keep going to this stupid school and CJ's all for the thing that will get her out of here the fastest.

There has to be a catch. People like Chase don't do things without a reason. A precursor for a specific reason is what his so-called "plan" is.

She doesn't understand blowing up every single nice place to live. Destruction, yeah, break what they've built then send in his goons after to pick off the survivors. But the ultimate goal is what they have so why are they destroying it? It doesn't make sense to her.

What's stopping the royals from seizing back their country with a surviving cavalry? What's stopping Fairy Godmother from snapping her fingers and imprisoning them once again?

There has to be something she's missing. She knows people like Chase, she was raised by someone like him. She knows how they think, and how they operate and she knows the types of secrets they like to keep close to their chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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