Chapter 3 - Leo's Jam

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I walk into the History class and sit down at my sit As the teacher walks in and starts the lesson until 20 minutes have passed the teacher starts to say something that makes everyone groan.

"So as you know the school dances are close and I didn't want to be that one teacher who gave you your assignment around the school dance time but I am that teacher who, so everyone takes this sheets for your assignment. However, you can choose a partner that you want to do the assignment with." The history teacher said as everyone groaned loudly and the bell rang.

I pick up all my stuff and walk out. As I walked out I saw Chase Davenport and stopped in front of him with a smile.

"Hi, you don't know me but we have a History together" I start as I look at him.

Chase's eyes wide as he looks at me "I um- I- I- Yw, wh, ha? Um" Chase stutters in speechless.

I look at him in confusion "Are you okay?" I ask.

He blinked "Yes, yes, I'm fine, good, great, bye!" he said as he walked away from me. Well that's was weird, I was going to ask him if he wanted to be my partner but maybe he overwhelmed and didn't want to.

I look back at where he was just a second ago and sigh.

Then I spot Blair walk toward her locker and I walk toward her and lean on the locker beside her "Hey so do you have a date for the dance?"

She hummed and looked at me "Why are you asking?" she said jokily.

I chuckle "We could go together you know as friends" I suggest.

"No one asks you yet?" Blair said to state the obvious.

"No." I whine as I look at her "Well it's not like no one asks me, it's just no one that I like asks me yet." I pout.

She chuckled at me "Cami, maybe you should stop being picky with everyone and maybe start to be friends with everyone."

I look at her in disgust "Ey, why should I do that? I mean have you seen the students here" I said as I turn and point at the group of students "Jocks, weird, queen bees, bullies, mean girls."

"Okay I get your point," Blair said as she sigh and look around "How about them," Blair said as she point at Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo "I mean they're are not jocks, bullies nor meanie" she struggles her shoulder "I mean maybe a little weird but hey, funny weird".

I look at the group "Yeah, hey I also said that they are funny weird" I said as I smiled at my friend and then my smile dropped "I also did try to talk with that Chase guy about some assignment and he runs away before I even ask him if he want to be a partner." I said sadly.

"Well then he is a jerk because everyone in this school dying to be your friend. Hell, even Stephanie, who is still a meanie" Blair said as she tried to make me feel better about the situation.

I sigh "It's not that I don't want to be friendly, it's just I don't like people. I don't trust people that easily anymore." I said as I remembered what happened last year.

"People are shit" she chuckles "Anyways let's go to class before we're late." Blair said as she started to walk and I joined her side.

The next day goes by normally, I and Jace walk to the school's main hallway and see Adam on the floor with the lockers on top of him, I gasp when I see him.

Jace walked to Adam to try to help him but then Leo stopped me and said "He's fine." Adam smiled at us to show us he was fine.

I look at the two boys "What do you mean he's fine? A locker is on top of him" I said worriedly.

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