Chapter 5 - Back from the Future

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I'm at the cafeteria right now as Blair tries to make me friends with some girl named Caitlyn even though I told her no many times. It's not like I don't like her it's just Caitlyn is weird and demanding.

"Come on Cami, Caitlyn isn't that bad I mean look at her," she said as we both looked at Caitlyn, to her talking to herself like she is fighting with her demon.

"Yeah, no thank you," I said smiley and ready to walk.

"Wait Cami wait" Blair stopped me and took a deep breath "Please be her friend because I can't no more, please" Blair begged me like she just got out of a torture, not that I know how people who just got out of a torture could act. :).

I look at my friend in confusion "Blair, why do you want me to be friends with her?" I said to a terror-looking Blair.

"Because she's evil," Blair said.

I chuckle at her "Blair I see evil all day every day, literally" I said as I think of Douglas and Marcus who plan evil stuff every day. "And that girl is no evil," I said as I started to walk away.

"But you didn't know what she's doing" Blair starts.

"And what's that exactly?" I ask.

"Caitlyn is very demanding and she won't leave me alone. Last time, she told everyone that I have a third nipple," she said in disgust. "In from of my crush".

I make a face at Blair "Why would she say that?" I ask again.

"Because she said and I quote 'that's what I get for not inviting her to the mall' and I told her that I was at the mall with you and knowing Cami she doesn't like it if I invite anyone else." Blair explain as she take a deep breath "But Caitlyn doesn't understand and she think that the reason I didn't invite her was that I was talking shit about her but I didn't did I" Blair said frustrated at Caitlyn.

I nod my head in understanding "And your solution is to make me and her friends?" I state but it's came out as a question.

Blair nodded her head "Please" she begged.

I groan "Fine I will think about it," I said.

Blair jumped in happiness "Thank you thank you thank you" she said as she walked away.

I walk to my locker I notice that I haven't seen Chase anywhere so I decide to look around the main hallway and spot Leo.

I walked closer to them when I her the guy behind Leo says "It was a gift from Janelle, and we love it."

"Hey Leo." I greet Leo as he looks at me and the guy behind me screams and hides behind Leo.

I and Leo look at the guy confusedly as the guy clears his throat. "I mean hey.." the guy said as he tried to cover the fact that he just screamed and the way he looked at me was horrifying.

I smile at both of them, ignoring the look from the guy "Have you seen Chase anywhere I haven't seen him." I ask nicely.

Before Leo could reply the guy behind him said "Oh, this is weird. I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time Cami" The guy said and I looked at him weirdly.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I ask.

The guy looked at me in shock and Leo started to introduce us "Cami, this is my cousin Meo, and um Meo is weird ignore him" Leo said chuckling nervously.

I nod my head slowly and decide to leave them both "Um, Okay. I should go" I said "And if you see Chase let him know I searched for him, bye Leo," I said as I walked away to my next class.

After class I spot Chase at his locker and walk up to him.

"Chase there you are, I have been looking everywhere for you," I said as I smiled at him.

Adam chuckles behind Chase "It must be hard knowing his size" Adam jokily.

Chase rolls his eyes at Adam and pulls me away so we can have a little bit of privacy. "I'm sorry my brother is a jerk," Chase said annoyed at his brother.

"It's okay, so I was wondering if there's a new bookstore just open and maybe you wanted to go with me," I said silently hoping he says yes.

He smiled happily at me "Yeah sure" he said and then he stopped "Wait aren't this supposed to go the other way around?" he asked.

I chuckle "What do you mean?"

Chase blushes "I mean I was supposed to ask you out not you" he explains.

I giggle and look down "Well, maybe you could ask me next time?"

He nods "Yeah maybe I will." said Chase as he smiled.

"So tomorrow? I can come by at your place?" I said.

"Sound like a plan" He replies and I walk away to go to my home.

The next day, Chase goes to the bookstore and we have fun as we buy some books. Minus the fact that Chase read almost all of the book, all I have to do is ask him if the book is good or not and he always has the answer for it.

Now we are currently at the café near the bookstore and I have to admit that I like him the more I get to know him.

"So tell me about your family. I know that Leo's mom married your dad, tell me how it feels like." I ask Chase.

"Well you know like having another brother" Chase explained.

"Must be fun" I said smiling "What happened to your mom? I mean if you don't mind me asking"

Chase looks at me uncomfortable "Don't know, never knew her."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking," I said slowly.

"It's okay" he replies "How about you? how was your family?" Chase ask.

I chuckle slowly "There isn't much really, my parent died in a car accident when I was 5. I was there and somehow I survived" I said sadly "I honestly didn't remember must the doctor said it because of the post-trauma you? And after that, I got adopted by his guy" I told him.

"I'm sorry that must be sad." he stated.

I smile at him and struggle with my shoulder "Yeah, it's fine. I'm over it anyways" I said "You know I had to admit it this is the best day I ever had"

Chase smirked at me "Just wait for the one that I have planned" he said "That will be the one that you wont forget."

I laugh and we talk for some more until it's time we go home. And I honestly start to fall for him.

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