Brewed Crush (S.S) pt1

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You walked beside Sebastian down the hall, chatting about random little things. You had Potions next, and while you were always eager for a chance to mix ingredients and create things, word was that you would be working on a particularly dangerous potion, but that's all anyone could say. Initially that would be exciting, but knowing you and Sebastian, you would probably mess it some and maybe even blow up the whole classroom. You shuddered at the thought. Sebastian, on the other hand, was incredibly excited about the idea of working with a dangerous potion, and he had racked his brain trying to figure out what kind they would be working with. "What if it's a poison?" He asked, brows raised in excitement. You scoffed, shaking your head. "Why would they teach us how to make poison?" Sebastian shrugged, "I don't know. It sounds like something they would teach us!" You let out a laugh as you turned the corner, meeting Ominis, who nearly ran into you.

"Ominis! You just returned from Potions, right?" Sebastian asked, pulling the two of you to the side. You studied Ominis, his face red and brows furrowed. He didn't respond to Sebastian at first, and bit his lip. "Well?" Sebastian pestered, crossing his arms. "We talked about love potions." Ominis said quietly. You stifled a laugh as you realized that Ominis was flustered, no doubt from whatever love potion they talked about. Sebastian, on the other hand, dropped his arms in disbelief, eyes wide. "Love potion?" Ominis nodded. You tilted your head, knowing that there were many forms of love potion out there. "What kind?" You asked, and Ominis looked in your direction, tightlipped. "The bad kind." And with that, he walked away.

"It can't be that bad." Sebastian said as he walked through the door of the classroom. You nodded in response, thinking about what kind of love potion Ominis was talking about, when you bumped into Sebastian's back. "Hey, come on now." You huffed, trying to squeeze by him. Sebastian had frozen in place, staring at the board, staring at the words written on it. You made it past him and followed his gaze, eyes widening as you also read the board. Amortentia, the love potion that smells like what, or who, you desired most, and was considered one of the most dangerous love potions in existence. You shuddered, fear getting caught in your throat. "Let's hurry to our seats before we get trampled." You suggested grabbing Sebastian's arm and pulling him to the seat you usually sat at. Sebastian looked at you, puzzled. "Isn't that the potion that's supposed to smell nice?" You nodded your head, "It's supposed to smell like the thing you desire most." Sebastian's eyes widened and felt heat rise to his cheeks.

The two of you sat, watching as students poured into the classroom, chattering loudly as they saw the potion on the board. You swore you heard one of the girls shriek slightly when her friend told her what kind of potion was, and you mentally prepared yourself. Professor Sharp walked in soon after, eyeing some of the students as they chattered. His gaze found your own, and you could have sworn he smirked. He motioned for everyone to open their books, turning to the chapter about love potions.

"As you see on the board, today we will be working with Amortentia, a very strong love potion." Sharp began, holding the book and walking to stand in front of his desk. "I want to express the dangers of this potion before we go and create it, and I will be checking each of you before you leave, if you decide to keep some for whatever nefarious reason." You watched as the girl from earlier seemed to deflate, hanging her head low. You smiled slightly, nudging Sebastian. "It seems like someone wanted to keep a bit for herself." You whispered, smiling up at him. His face hadn't lost the red tint from when he walked into the classroom, and his eyes still seemed a little wide. You shook your head and turned back to Sharp, who had begun to go through the specific dangers of the potion. "Just so we are all aware, this potion does not make someone actually fall in love. The victim only feels the attachment, not the real feelings, which is what makes this potion so dangerous. You are lucky I'm sharing this with you today, but many of the ingredients are forbidden to collect, which means that this will be the only time you will be able to make this." Sharp continued, and you sighed in relief hearing that news, glad that you would be safe if anyone ever wanted to use it on you.

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