Have a Look (O.G)

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Students chattered around you as you walked with Sebastian and Ominis through the halls, classes over for the day. You held a book you had borrowed from the library about the history of the castle, flipping through the pages as you walked. Ominis stuck close to you, leading you through the halls as you kept your eyes glued to the pages, muttering. "You have plenty of time to look at your book, you know. Perhaps it could wait until we're no longer walking?" You shook your head, the sound of the pages turning the only response to Ominis' question. He sighed, instead making conversation with Sebastian. Sebastian chuckled, glancing over at you. "Ravenclaw's do what they do best, you know." Ominis sighed, grabbing your sleeve as he pulled you over and closer to him, seconds before you collided with another student.

"Found it!" You said to yourself, tapping your finger to the page you had flipped to. By now, the three of you had made it outside near the lake, one of the spots you hung around after classes. Sebastian plopped onto the soft grass, sighing as he watched you walk to the dock. Ominis followed you, your footsteps tapping on the wood as you walked to its edge. "I suppose you found another entry about the Giant Squid?" Ominis asked, finding a post, and using it to help him sit down, listening as you let out a hum and sat down next to him. "Indeed. Listen to this!" You said excitedly, reading from one of the entries. "Say's here that it's suspected that the Giant Squid is actually Godric Gryffindor!" Ominis let out a scoff, shaking his head. "There's no way, how old would that make him?" You tapped your chin as you tried to do the math, furrowing your brows. "It was the Tenth Century, so at least a thousand years?" Ominis shook his head as he smiled. "You think a thousand-year-old wizard would want to be a giant squid? What would he even do?" You shrugged, flipping through the pages again.

"Oh, never mind." You sighed, closing the book, and placing it beside you. Ominis turned his head, confused. "What's the matter?" You bit the inside of your cheek as you hung a foot over the water, swinging it slightly. "It said it was unlikely, given that he, you know, died." Ominis chuckled as he leaned back, the warm rays of the sun tickling his face. "Perhaps the squid was his pet? That would be rather interesting." You shook your head, looking over the water as small fish swam by, small ripples forming as their fins skimmed the top. "All the books ever say is that its big, they don't even agree about what colour it is." You brought your foot back up, crossing your legs and you rested your arms on your knees.

Ominis sat beside you in silence, thinking. Sebastian had mentioned that there was a spot in the Slytherin common room where you could see the squid as it swam by, but since Ominis wasn't able to confirm it, he had no idea if Sebastian was joking with him or not. There was also the problem with getting you in; you weren't a Slytherin. You watched as Ominis' face changed as he thought to himself, admiring the way he looked in the sun. Sebastian walked up to join you at the edge of the dock, a collection of flat pebbles in his hand that he had collected. "I bet I can skip the farthest." He said, smirking down at you. You smirked as you got up, grabbing Ominis' hand and bringing him up with you. "If you think you can beat me, why don't you place a bet on it?" You teased, grabbing some of the rocks from Sebastian's hand. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out if it was worth the loss of a Sovereign. "Perhaps. How about, instead of coins, you do some of my assignments for me when I win, Miss Knowledgeable?" You scoffed in response, nodding as you tossed a stone, skipping it five beats away. "If you win, Sallow. And that's a big if." Ominis smiled as he listened to the two of you as you skipped the stones, Sebastian's voice whining each time yours skipped farther. "Oh, I didn't say what I wanted when I won!" You paused, thinking. "How about, you have to buy me some sweets next time we go to Hogsmeade?" Sebastian sighed as he nodded, skipping another stone.

The three of you walked back to the castle, Sebastian's face sour after you had bested him at skipping stones as you hummed to yourself beside him. Ominis walked between the two of you, still pondering to himself on how to let you see the squid you had become so fascinated with. You began to turn off to the hall that led to the Ravenclaw common room, waving to Sebastian. "I'm off, I'll see you two tomorrow!" Sebastian waved to you, turning to head to his own common room. Ominis stood, quickly blurting out. "Meet us here around midnight, there's something you must see." You looked at him, puzzled. "Midnight? But that's after hours. Where would we even go?" Ominis shook his head, "You'll see." With that, he turned back and walked with Sebastian, who looked at Ominis in confusion.

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