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Garreth hummed to himself as he walked down the stairs that led to his dorm room, a small pile of three books in his arms. He had borrowed them from Amit, who was kind enough to offer the astrology books after Garreth expressed his interest in the subject. He smiled as he nodded to Leander as he passed by, speaking to Natty as she walked up to him. "What's that you got there, Garreth?" She asked, furrowing her brows at the cover of the top book, constellations decorating the front. Garreth smiled, allowing her to pick up the book. "Borrowed them from Amit! I saw something interesting a few nights ago in the sky and asked him about it. I suppose I didn't explain it well, however, since he just offered the books." Natty chuckled as she placed the book back onto the pile. "At least you can't blow anything up with these." Garreth scoffed as he shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. "You'd be surprised, actually! Felt like my brain was going to burst, still fascinating, though."

Natty waved him off, making her way to her dorm. Not quite ready to leave just yet, Garreth took another look around; the cozy common room clad in red and gold seemingly begging him to stay longer. He smiled as he caught a glance at the back of your head as you sat in one of the many cozy seats, facing towards the fireplace as you flipped through the pages of your book. His smile falters for a moment as a frustrated sigh escapes your lips, your head shaking as it disappeared behind the tall back of the chair, head hung low as you rubbed your eyes. He thought for a moment to walk over and speak with you, but he had agreed to return the books to Amit soon and had planned on meeting him in the library to do so. Garreth made a mental note to speak with you when he returned; returning books wouldn't take that long.

You had sat in front of the fireplace flipping through different books for a few hours, reaching the fourth hour when you heard Garreth speaking to Natty. O.W.Ls were just around the corner, and you were desperate to score well, reviewing everything you had learned for hours each day. Natty had told you that it wasn't healthy to cram everything in a week before the exams, and you smiled wearily as you shook your head. "I've actually been studying like crazy for a few weeks now, but I'm still not confident that I'll get a good score, so I've been studying more lately." You had said, stifling a yawn. Natty looked at you with worried eyes as you assured her that you were fine, returning to you books as you sat in the corner of the library. You huffed in frustration as you blinked, frowning as you read a few sentences, realizing that you had already read them a few times now. Your eyes burned from straining them to look at the small words, mixed with the occasional tears of frustration each time your mind blanked after turning a page, having to go back, and read through the passage again. You ran a hand through your hair as you leaned against the back of your chair, sighing as you rolled your shoulders.

Even with the soft cushions of the chairs that littered the room, your back ached as you poured over your books once again, biting the inside of your cheek as you read about the proper stirring techniques for a Wiggenweld potion. You knew which way to stir, of course, yet sometimes you would catch yourself forgetting which way was clockwise and which way was counter, resulting in a cloud of smoke to blow into your face. You pinched the bridge of your nose as tears pricked at your eyes once again, taking a few deep breaths.

Garreth returned to the common room an hour later after having his ear chatted off by Amit about the contents of the books; he was very passionate about the stars. He sighed as he ran a hand through his ginger locks, glancing over to where you had sat an hour prior, frowning when he saw your head pop up, followed by another sigh. He slowly made his way over, picking up a nearby quill and leaning over you, taking a peek at your book as he smiled, taking the feathered quill and brushing your nose with it. You huffed, startled, as you heard Garreth chuckle. "Still reading? At this rate, people will think you belong in Ravenclaw!" He joked, looking down at the top of your head, waiting for you to look up at him. When you did, his smile dropped, gaze softening as he took in your red eyes and puffy cheeks. You sniffled lightly, trying to force a smile as you greeted Garreth. "Hello there, Garreth. Weren't you just here? I swore you left a minute ago." You trailed off frowning as you racked your brain. He shook his head as he moved to stand in front of you, looking at the pile of books that surrounded you.

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