Loyal Hufflepuff (S.S)

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Sebastian walked beside you, concerned as he watched the collection of plants in your arms tilt slightly. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" He asked, showing you his free hand as you smiled, shaking your head. "I'm fine! Professor Garlick needed these right away, can't waste much time trying to split them equally between us." You breathed, peering over a pot to see where you were going. You wore your Hufflepuff uniform, your robe discarded back at your dorm as you opted to enjoy the decent weather. Sebastian had spotted you trying to open a door, failing as you tried to balance the many plants in one hand. He quickly hurried over and caught a pot that had begun to fall, confused as you thanked him. He decided to walk with you afterwards, opening doors for you and making sure you didn't run into anyone, which you were grateful for.

"Why does the professor need all these, anyway?" Sebastian asked, opening a door for you as you quickly squeezed by. "She didn't really say, but I'm sure she has a plan for tomorrow's class with them." You replied, breathing a sigh of relief as you neared the Greenhouse. Sebastian shook his head, sighing. You continued to walk, chatting about small things that came to mind, when you felt a hit at your shoulder. You quickly turned your head, an apologetic smile on your face as you stopped. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you there, I hope you're all right!" You said, nodding your head slightly at the student you had bumped into. They smiled back at you, apologizing as well as they quickly walked away. You shifted the plants in your arms as you began walking again, hearing Sebastian scoff. "I don't understand why you must apologize for that. You're basically in the same state as Ominis, they could see that." He said, grabbing two of the plants from your arms.

You shook your head as you sent him a small smile. "I'm not blind, Sebastian. I wasn't paying attention, and I'm sure they weren't either. Just a simple mistake." You said, watching your step as you descended down the steps, breathing in the earthy scent as you saw the doors to the classroom. Sebastian shook his head, sighing as he opened the door. Professor Garlick greeted the two of you as you carefully set down the pots. "Oh, I'm so glad you brought these over!" She said happily, picking up a pot of baby mandrake, inspecting its leaves. You smiled as you nodded, fixing up the order of plants in a way that she described on the list. "It was no problem, of course. Sebastian helped me get them all down here in one piece!" Sebastian smiled slightly as he avoided your gaze, nodding. Professor Garlick clapped her hands together happily. "Thank you so much, you two! Five points for Hufflepuff and Slytherin, of course. I'm excited to show you what I have planned for tomorrow!"

The two of you left shortly afterwards, dusting the sleeves of your clothes for any stray dirt. "Thank you for helping me, Sebastian!" You said, smiling up at him. Sebastian nodded, smiling back at you as you walked through the halls. "Wasn't any problem, gives me an idea about what we'll be learning about tomorrow." He said, a sly smile on his lips. You scoffed and shook your head, smiling. "Of course, a quick look into tomorrow's assignment was your intention." Sebastian furrowed his brows as he turned his head to you, continuing to walk. "What's that supposed to mean, exactly?" You chuckled as you shook your head, pressing a finger to your lips. He sighed, opening his mouth to speak again before he was cut off. A student passed between the two of you, pushing his shoulders into both you and Sebastian as he stormed through. You hissed as you held your arm, frowning, while Sebastian quickly turned around to confront the student.

"A simple excuse me would have been helpful, you know!" Sebastian shouted, walking over to the student as he stood a short distance away. You followed behind him, unsure what to do as the boy in front of you turned around, sneering at Sebastian. "Should be watching where you're going, Sallow." Sebastian scoffed, glaring at him as he crossed his arms. "I wouldn't have to if students like you stopped trying to walk between two people as they talk, Hawke." He spat back, scowling. The student scoffed as he took a quick look at you, shaking his head. "I'd watch your tone, if I were you. Wouldn't want to lose another student like you did Anne, now would we?" Sebastian's eyes widened as he felt his blood boil, ready to deck the boy in the face. He was too late, however, as he blinked and the boy was on the ground, nose dripping with blood as he looked in his direction in horror.

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