Marry Me (O.G) pt2

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You walked down the hall with Ominis as you trailed behind Sebastian, who was rambling on about how he needed a better dueling partner, shaking your head each time he asked you if you were "sure" you didn't want to duel him. Sebastian continued talking to himself as you leaned over to Ominis, whispering in his ear. "If we left, do you think he'd notice?" Ominis shook his head, a smile gracing his lips as he grabbed your hand and led you down a different hall. "He'll realize eventually, but by then we should be far enough away to be free." You laughed as you continued to walk, still holding Ominis' hand.

You played with your mother's ring; its silver band cold on your skin as you moved it around. Ominis usually held the hand with the ring on it since you had lost it a few weeks prior, but you were on his other side at that moment, so he grabbed the hand closest to him. You continued to walk down the hall in a comfortable silence, the warm feeling in your chest felt homely now. You smiled to yourself, glad that you were able to become close with Ominis, you even felt ready to marry him, sort of. There was still a dull throb in your chest every now and then, telling you that you were only this close now because you had to, and that your mother had asked you to be nicer to Ominis.

Some nights, you find yourself staring up at the dark ceiling, thoughts of doubt and feelings of sadness filling your whole being. You often wondered if Ominis was going through those feelings as well, though he never showed them. Ominis was always up front on his thoughts and feelings, but would he lie to you to not hurt your feelings? Your thoughts began to run as you walked, biting the inside of your cheek. Ominis broke the silence soon after, speaking in a nonchalant manner. "My father sent a letter earlier today." You broke from your thoughts, turning your head slightly as you hummed in response. "Really? What did he say?" Ominis hung his head as he walked, brows furrowed. "He asked for progress on our relationship. He says we're close to the age for a wedding." You stopped walking, frowning as you looked at Ominis. "A progress report? Has he been keeping an eye on us?" You asked, letting go of Ominis' hand as you crossed your arms. Ominis turned, missing the feeling of your hand in his, but nodded.

"He sends frequent letters asking about it, to keep track I suppose." He said, shrugging his shoulders. Your eyes widened, the idea that you were practically being watched even in Hogwarts stung you. You were unable to speak, your thoughts running once again as you began to think about what Ominis might have told him over the years, face turning red. "Y/n? It's just him checking in, nothing to worry about, I assure you." Ominis said, walking towards you. You shook your head, taking a step back. "How much have you told him?" You asked, your heart beginning to beat faster in your chest. Ominis shrugged, "He always asks for details, so I give him them, it's nothing to worry about, honest." Your gaze narrowed as you looked down at your feet. His father was a harsh man, and you remembered the stories he would tell at the dinner table during parties; how they would torture muggles for fun. You shuddered, wondering how he felt when he read how you treated Ominis when you first started Hogwarts.

"I haven't even told my father anything, and you're sending detailed reports to yours?" You said, anger replacing the confusion that had a grasp on your chest. You watched as Ominis hung his head, nodding slightly. You sighed as took a few breaths, collecting your thoughts. "So that means, that he now knows that we've kissed, and how I basically bullied you for years?" You asked, trying to keep your voice calm. Ominis nodded again, head still low. "Do you know what this means? What if he read your earlier notes and did something?" Ominis raised his head, confused. "What are you implying?" "I'm implying that he could have retaliated when he read that we weren't getting along!" You began to shout, your thoughts running faster than you could have kept up. You felt a squeeze in your chest, tears threatening to fall as you stared at Ominis, who stood there, unmoving. "Your mother?"

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