Flipside (S.S)

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      Sebastian leaned his head onto his hand, looking down at the table as he waited for class to start. Ominis sat beside him, having switched places with Poppy, listening to the many conversations that happened around them. Sebastian stifled a yawn as he rubbed his eyes, the grogginess of the morning still sitting over his head. He looked around the room, watching as students talked with their partners at their tables, watching for a moment as Natty sat alone, looking down at her book. He shook his head as he turned to Ominis, "Did you have trouble sleeping last night?" Ominis looked at him, confused. "No. Why?" Sebastian shrugged as he sighed. "I couldn't sleep last night, kept tossing and turning." Ominis furrowed his brows.

      "Perhaps it's because it was our first night back. You tend to get restless the night before we start classes." Ominis said. The sound of a door opening sounded as he talked, yellow and black robes quickly passing through. It caught Sebastian's eye, who tuned Ominis out as he watched you look around, confused. Professor Ronen walked over to you and greeted you, gesturing to the tables for you to take a seat. Natty perked up, waving to you as you walked over, patting the seat next to her. Sebastian watched you sit down and fit your robe, a shy smile on your face as you talked with Natty. "Sebastian? Are you listening to me?" Ominis asked, nudging Sebastian's shoulder with his own.

      Sebastian quickly looked over to Ominis, blinking as he tried to refocus himself. "What was that?" He asked, glancing around. Ominis sighed as he shook his head. "We were talking, remember? Did you fall asleep?" Sebastian shook his head, glancing over to you again. You made eye contact for a split second before you quickly turned your head back to Natty, a small blush gracing your cheeks as you continued to talk with your new friend. "You're doing it again, Sebastian." Ominis said, pinching his side. Sebastian jumped slightly, huffing as he swatted Ominis' hand away. "I'm not sleeping! Just...distracted is all." Ominis shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips.

      "I heard the door open. Though, I didn't recognize the footsteps." Ominis said, turning his head as he listened to his surroundings. "Has someone caught your eye, perhaps?" Sebastian scoffed, still unable to comprehend how Ominis' hearing was so good. Ominis smiled as Sebastian remained silent, moving to poke his side again. "Stop that! I was just looking around." Sebastian hissed, keeping his voice low as he slapped Ominis' hand once again. Ominis chuckled, shaking his head as he fixed his seat. Professor Ronen clapped his hands together as he walked through the middle of the classroom. Sebastian tuned him out as he began to talk, stealing glances at you as you watched, confused. He watched as Natty slid her book over to you, only for it to be whisked away in an instant and sent to the professor. "No time to study now, of course!" He said, and Sebastian watched as your cheeks brightened in embarrassment, causing a small smile to tug at the corner of his mouth.

      The professor kept talking, but Sebastian still didn't listen, his mind running in circles as he watched your face change every few moments, usually switching between amazement and confusion. It was only when Ominis elbowed him did Sebastian tune back in, watching as students began to stand up. "What are we doing?" He asked, earning a small laugh from his friend. "Accio. You use it to bring something towards you." Sebastian nodded as he grabbed his wand. "Grab your book, it's safer to use." Ominis continued, pointing his wand at the book on the table. Sebastian sighed, picking it up and holding it in his hands. He watched Ominis raise his wand and cast the spell, feeling the book being ripped out of his hands. His eyes widened as he watched it fly back to Ominis, who held his hand out as it landed, grabbing it, and smiling. "Your turn." Sebastian readied his wand, narrowing his eyes as he watched the book.

      "Accio!" Sebastian turned his head as you shouted the spell, watching as you smiled happily when the book flew into your hand. "Sebastian!" Ominis shouted, feeling the book fly from his hand. You had said the spell at the same time, and Sebastian had immediately forgotten what he had just summoned to him, feeling the hard spine of the book hit him in the chest. He groaned slightly as the book fell into his hand, frowning as he looked at the spot where he had been hit. Ominis tried to hide his laugh behind his hand, knowing that Sebastian would complain later about a bruise. Sebastian looked around, noticing that you had seen the whole thing and had a slightly worried expression on your face, meanwhile Natty stood there, holding in her own laugh. "It was a fluke, won't happen again." Sebastian said, mainly to himself. Ominis raised a brow as he shook his head. "Of course, now let me try again."

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