Enamore (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 34/?? of Sean/White doctor story. I think I made White a bundle of issues, so I will try to fix him. 🤦‍♀️

The affected whispering slowly pulled him out of the blissful sleep. White tossed and turned under the duvet but didn't open his eyes yet. Focusing on the talking voices, he pretended to be still in deep slumber and listening.

"Do you think I am stupid? Stay away from my brother." Black hissed.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do. I am not staying away from him." Sean retorted with the same enthusiasm. 

"If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have let him meet you." Black's voice raised, making White flinch. 

"What's your problem, Black? You have no right to dictate what we can or cannot do." 

"I can. Do you think I can't see how White is enamoured with you? It fucking drives me crazy! He deserves much better." Black shouted, and White couldn't take it anymore. The soft whimper escaped his mouth, and his hands automatically covered his ears. He hated yelling. It made him shiver, spiking up his anxiety. He made his protective twin angry. White knew it was wrong to like Sean, yet he did it anyway. Will Black punish him the same way their father did if he misbehaved?

"White." Black's voice pulled him out of thinking. The gentle hands uncovered his ears, hauling him to sit and squeezing him into a tight embrace. 

"P' is sorry. P' didn't mean to yell." Black coaxed him. 

"White is sorry too." He answered, inhaling the comforting scent of his older sibling. 

"Don't be." 

"I am just a burden. I have too many issues." White whimpered, realizing how unstable he became under his father's care. He desperately wanted to change. To get rid of his anxiety, eating habits, and underestimation. 

"You are not, White. We will get through this. Slowly, steadily. After we deal with Todd and father, do you understand?" Black pulled away, looking into his eyes, waiting for confirmation. White hesitated but nodded. There was a moment of silence between them until White dared to speak.

"I like P'Sean."

"I know," Black confirmed.

"Is it bad to like him?" He asked nervously, watching his brother take a deep breath before answering.

"It's not bad. You can like whoever you want. I don't like Sean. He's a walking disaster, and you can do much better." 

"I can?" White asked again.

"Yes. But promise me you will wait with this whole Sean thing after the situation calms down." Black kissed the top of White's head. White nodded again, snuggling back into his chest. 

"Are you feeling better, White?" Gumpa popped up beside the bed. 


"Can we conduct a small meeting?" He asked. "There is a lot we need to get through." 

White agreed. Though he was scared, it was time to face his worst nightmares. He knew that with Black, Sean and the rest of the gang by his side, he didn't have to be afraid anymore. 

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