Entreat (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: I was in the mood for something sad, and Rome was an unlucky victim of it.

The nights were cold without the warmth to snuggle to. The room was darker today than any other night. Rome pulled the old blanket closer to his body. The only thing left after his beloved mother, together with fading memories of her beautiful smile. Closing his eyes, he tried to stop the tears from running down his pale face, but it only brought up the painful memories. 

It was white everywhere, as you expected the hospital room to be. His mother was lying on the bed, pale and weak but with a light smile adoring her pretty face. Rome was sitting by her side, holding her hand tightly, assuring he was with her till the end. His father was at her other side, crying silently. Rome never saw him so vulnerable before. The beeping from the heart monitor slowly turned to a uniform sound when his mother closed her chocolate eyes and took her final breath.  

It hurt. 

So much.

Rome sobbed, remembering how he entreated her not to go. Not to leave him alone. And his father's warm hand landed heavily on his shoulder to calm him down. 

"Rome." Pick's voice pulled him out of the memories. 

"I am sorry, I am late." Pick hauled him to his chest, embracing him in a tight hug. Rome snuggled closer to the warmth, inhaling the familiar scent, letting the pain go. 

His boyfriend was finally here with him, comforting him on his mother's death anniversary. 

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