Patience (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 5/?? of Third's boyfriend story. 

As Khai promised, he blabbered about him, dating Un to Two and Bone as soon as their meet inside the class. The shock on Two's face was precious, though. 

"You are dating Un? When? Why?" Bone bombarded him with questions while Two became oddly quiet. Third eyed him, suspecting the information didn't sit well with him. 

"Exactly my question. Why?" Khai joined, glaring at him. Third rolled his eyes, annoyed more than ever. 

"Never mind, let's celebrate tonight that our little demon is no longer single." Bone hooked his arm around his shoulder. Third sighed. At least one of his friends was happy for him. 

"I can't." He refused. 

"Why?" Two finally spoke up.

"What do you think? He's going out with his boyfriend." Khai snickered, leaning back on his chair. 

"What's your problem exactly?" Third turned to him with a scowl on his face. 

"You dating asshole Un is my problem." Khai returned the glare.

"When I don't date, you don't like it. When I date, you don't like it too. Fucking decided what you want or leave me alone." His patience was running out. The classroom door slid open, and the teacher came in. Khai was lucky for once. Third turned around, focusing on the lecture and ignored his best friend sitting behind him. 

"Hey, Third." Two elbowed him.


"Are you really dating Un?" Two asked curiously. Third studied his face, and for a brief moment, he spotted the hope in his eyes. 


"How long?"


Two went silent for a second before continuing.

"Do you like him?"

"I do." Third, confirmed. He did like the older man, though not in the way, Two was implying. And if he could find out what his friend was thinking about Un by showing off his new relationship, he didn't hesitate to do it. Maybe Un could have a chance with Two. 

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