Impartiality (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 36/?? of Sean/White doctor story, this time we have a brother bonding time. 

They were alone. Sean, Gram, Dan and Gumpa left to finish their tasks, and Yok fell asleep soon after White forced him to take painkillers and antibiotics. It was only him and Black now. White felt a little awkward, honestly. They didn't have time to spend alone, and with all that happening recently, he didn't know how to speak with his twin. He felt like a burden. Black and the gang had a lot to do, and he just added more problems. White sunken on the couch, hiding his face in his palms and took a deep breath. He felt a familiar presence next to him, and soon, Black's arms were wrapped around his shoulders. 

"I am sorry." White choked out. 

"Why are you apologizing?" Black asked. He sounded annoyed to White, and it only made him more guilty.

"I am a burden." 

There was a moment of silence from his brother before he decided to speak.

"You are not. You never were. White, you are the most precious thing in the world to me. I will do anything to keep you safe." 

White stiffened. His hands slid down from his face as he peeked at his sibling. 

"Really?" He needed assurance even though he knew Black was telling the truth. 

"Stop asking stupid questions, baby brother." Black rolled his eyes, making White pout. Black laughed at him, poking his puffed cheek. 

"Quiet down, or you will wake P'Yok. He needs to sleep." White scolded his twin, but his smiling face didn't threaten Black in any way. 

"Okay. Let's go up. The tent asshole Sean built for you is still there. We can talk without waking Yok up." Black stood up, sliding his palm in White's and dragging him up the floor. They settled inside the tent, with White's head on Black's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Black's hand automatically landed on his head, his fingers running through his fluffy hair. White sighed happily.

"It feels nice. I miss this." He hummed, remembering the days before he was forced to leave his other half. 

"Me too." Black agreed.

"How did you cope without me? I had a hard time without you, Phi. Father always yelled at me and slapped me to get me out of it. It took me weeks to function properly." White finally gathered the courage to open up about his life in Russia. Black didn't know everything, after all. The fingers in his hair stopped for a second before they continued caressing him. 

"I missed you to the point I was mad at everyone and everything. I was constantly angry and got in trouble to spite our mother. I stopped only after she promised to send my letters to you."

"What? I didn't get any, though." White glanced at his brother. 

"When I didn't get any response back, I asked her. She said, you probably didn't want to talk to me."

"I would write you back." 

"I know that's why I searched her office and found a few letters I wrote and another document lying carelessly on her desk drawer. It was the first time I questioned her impartiality as a judge." Black laughed. 

"And then?" White asked, snuggling closer to the warmness of his twin's chest, and closed his eyes. The fabric of Black's vest was rough against his silky skin, but he didn't mind.  

"I made her life a living hell." He grinned, and White could practically see the glint in his eyes. 

"I love you, White. Remember it." Black kissed his head tenderly. 

"I love you too, P'Black," White whispered before he fell asleep.  

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