Modest (Pat/Non)

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Author's note: Part 17/?? of Pat/Non story.

The kiss still lingers in Pat's mind. The phantom feeling of Non's soft full lips against his made him dizzy. He guided the younger man back to his room, their hands clasped together, fingers intertwined. Non was shyly walking next to him, his cheeks flushed, and Pat knew he should act more modest, but he couldn't control the satisfied grin on his face. He wanted the others to know that Nonsee belonged to him now. 

In the room, Pat tucked Non into the bed, sitting beside him and pulling him against his side. He sniff-kissed his head, thinking. Non looked up at him, still slightly red, waiting for him to speak, and he didn't know where to start.  

"P'Pat." Non's voice echoed through the room. "What was mother talking about?" 

"I hope you won't hate us for this." Pat sighed, tightening his grip on the shorter guy. 

"I won't." Non answered confidently, cuddling closer. 

"I like P'Pat." He whispered. Pat's heart jumped with joy.

"I like you too. So much." He kissed Non's forehead, letting the room fall into silence as he gathered the confidence to tell his baby bird the truth. 

"To make your mother behave, my mom had to do something she's not proud off. She's not bad, Non, but she had to lower herself to your mother's level, and targeting your family business was the easiest and quickest way. She's taking over your family business. " 

Pat felt Nonsee slipping away from his hold. He badly wanted to pull him back and hide from all the pain. Non turned around, tugging the small table with a colourful paper closer, reaching for the red one and beginning to fold it. Pat watched him before he shifted, daring to hug him and lay his head on his shoulder. When Non didn't push him away, he continued to speak. 

"It's not your fault, baby bird. We are doing this to show your mother and grandmother how precious you are." Pat continued talking while observing Non as he silently folded the paper into a familiar shape. 

"I am sorry. It must be hard." Pat whispered, tightening the grasp. The soft sob escaped Non's lips, and Pat wanted nothing more than to take all the suffering away. 

"I am sorry." He keeps whispering, rocking their bodies back and forth.

"I love you." The three words slipped out of his mouth, and he felt how Non stiffened in his arms. Pat wanted to kick himself right now. It wasn't a good time to confess.

"I love P'Pat too." 

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