Mr. Grin

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My next exciting adventure I really did not play a big part in, really this part of my story is more

about Sam than me. Truthfully I was just a bystander. Now grandchildren, do you recall the

story where Peter Pan battles Hook and feeds his hand to the crocodile? "Yes Grandma!!! And

that's when the croc started to follow Hook around, right?" "Very good Jeanette, that's exactly

right." Here's something that you might not have known about the crocodile, the scaly beast

was actually named Mr. Grin and he was huge!! He was much larger than any normal croc and

twice as fierce. Mr. Grin was a dark green muddy color with evil amber colored eyes and long

sharp stained teeth. He normally resided on the far side of the island in a deep murky lagoon

hidden deep in the forest. However, for some reason he had taken to roaming the island and

had decided to settle in a pool close to the Tree House. In fact he would attack anyone who

tried to leave the Tree House. This created a serious problem for us. We might be able to

imagine most of the food that we needed but nice fresh water was always welcome as the

pond was only used for bathing, plus we needed medicinal plants. Plus the Lost Boys loved to

roam the island and the Tree House soon began to feel like a prison. We went over many ideas

of how to get rid of the monster, but all of them fell flat. The real drawback was that we could

not just kill Mr. Grin, he was simply too big and quick for us. Arrows and spears were useless

against his armored hide and there was no way to get close enough to him with a sword

without getting eaten. We might have been able to overcome him if everyone swarmed him all

at once, but it would cost the lives of many boys, a toll we did not wish to pay. However, the

Lost Boys were becoming tired of their confinement and grumbled about their predicament,

moaning that they were going mad with boredom. Over the next few days I noticed that Sam

and another boy called Fleet, were being awfully secretive and often sat together whispering or

would disappear to some hidey hole in the Tree House. By the third day my curiosity was

piqued and I was very suspicious of their comings and goings. I found an opportunity to pull

Sam to the side and questioned him closely on his recent activities. Even though Sam normally

shared everything with me, this time he refused to say a word about his strange behavior and

even accused me of being nosy! I was now highly perplexed and worried, so I took my thoughts

to David. He too was tight lipped and although he seemed to be hiding something, he rebuffed

all of my attempts to discover what was really going on. Whatever it was that they were hiding,

none of the other Lost Boys seemed to know about it and I was left clueless about what they

were plotting.

The next morning I woke up to an atrocious racket. I leaped out of bed, grabbed my sword, and

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