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"Grandma.....did you, did you die???" Joshua, wherever did you get an idea like that? If I had

died I would not be here telling you this story now would I? "Well I suppose not" Good. Now I

will get back to my story. I remember very vaguely waking up and realizing that I was on the

shore of a beach, but I was too weak to move or cry out for help as I was badly hurt and I

quickly blacked out again. The next thing that I remember was waking up next to the remains of

a campfire. I had lost a lot of blood but I had more strength then when I was on the beach. 

Along with the fire, I had another strange realization that someone had bound my wounds. I

slowly sat up, taking a good look at my surroundings. I was in a small clearing in the jungle, but

still close enough to the edge of the trees so that I could still see the ocean and the silvery sand

of a beach. My first thought was that I had been taken by the pirates, but I quickly discarded

that idea when I realized that no pirate would have taken the time to bandage me and care for

my wounds. My next thought was that I had been saved by island natives and this seemed to

me like a much truer possibility, but I was fearful of what they would want to do to me. With

the loss of blood and shock to my system my brain was not thinking clearly, so in a foolish

moment, I decided that I would get up and try to sneak away and hide somewhere. I rose

unsteadily to my feet while the ground seemed to move and sway around me. I stood blinking

for a minute and then as my disoriented mind began to collect itself I wearily began to totter

away from the clearing and into the forest. As my thoughts grew clearer I first realized that I

still had my sword, which came as a shock to me, and that I needed to find not only a good

hiding place, but a shelter as well. I also was hungry, with a pain that I had never felt before,

and my need for water was turning into an all-consuming thought. It was not long though

before I began to suspect someone was trailing me. I had expected this but I had hoped that it

would not happen so soon. I continued to stubbornly stagger on however until I came to

another clearing. This one had great rocks jutting out of the ground around it and the bushes

grew so thick around their bases that a man could stand unseen in them. I took full advantage

of this cover and waited exhausted in the shrubs to see what kind of pursuer was after me.

It did not take long for my hunter to catch up to my hiding place. My follower surprised me

greatly when he passed, as he was only a boy around my age with wild spiky black hair and dark

eyes all dressed in greens and browns. Not super tall, but not short either, with skin tanned

from days out in the sun. He walked warily into the clearing but kept on right past me, intently

staring at the ground searching for any signs of my passage and disappeared into the jungle. At

this point I knew I was stuck. I had no energy to go any farther at least without food and water,

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon