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"Are you ready to hear more of the story Joshua?" "Yes Grandma!! Tell us what happened

next!" Joshua responded. Alright then where should I start back up? I suppose my next big

adventure started with a storm and a fight. The weather had been hot and muggy for several

weeks but not a drop of rain had fallen. The temperatures were sky high and no one felt like

doing much with the sun beating down on us with a searing heat. We had been hoping and

waiting for a storm to come but the day it arrived the sun seemed to shine down hotter than

ever in stark contrast with the luminous black clouds towering on the horizon. The other

important thing that happened that day other than the impending storm was that I had a

terrific row with David. It's funny grandchildren I don't even remember what we were arguing

 over, although it was probably something silly, it seemed very important at the time. 300 years

kind of erases the importance of an argument. Oh grandchildren I do remember however that it

was a rather impressive fight. I am rather embarrassed to say this now but we yelled at each

other and I even got so mad I threw my boot at him. Needless to say we didn't talk much for

the rest of the day and were still feeling hostile to each other when evening began to fall.

During the day the storm had slowly grown in strength and now in the late evening light had

taken on the characteristics of a hurricane. Everyone decided that it would probably be safer

and drier if we took refuge in the cave underneath the roots of the great tree. The Lost Boys

rarely slept in the cave but kept blankets and supplies in the cave for bad storms just like this

one. Everyone brought down their pillows and extra blankets so that they would be

comfortable in the cave. When everyone's stuff was laid out on the floor it looked like a giant

sleepover. The cave was not overly large but it was warm and dry so no one complained. 

The Lost Boys gave me my own corner of the cave and tried to allow me some space and privacy.

Not long after the sun set the wind picked up with a furious howl and sent a driving rain across

the island. It did not take much time for all of us to scurry down into the cave where it was

warm and dry. Some of the boys started a fire and we quickly dried off in front of it and

prepared for bed. Usually David and I would sit and chat together before going to sleep but that

night we sat on opposite sides of the fire and didn't even give so much as a goodnight to each

other when we went to bed. I was tired from the oppressive heat of the day but I couldn't fall

asleep right away in my new surroundings and my argument preying on my mind. I lay awake

for an hour or so and just as I was relaxing I felt a sudden tug on my shoulder. It was Tinkerbell!

"Quick!" she said "There's a new boy here! He's out in the crows nest and I couldn't convince

him to climb down." Now before I go on let me explain something here. Every so often the Lost

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα