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 The adventure started out when

a group of the Lost Boys went out to collect coconuts. They were on the edge of the jungle and

had separated with some of the boys scanning the ground around the trees and the other boys

were actually up in the trees. Now most of the time the Lost Boys were pretty good at keeping

a watch for pirates but this time they were taken by surprise. A small band of pirates had snuck

up on the boys and attempted to take them prisoner. The boys fought bravely but were

overpowered by the bigger and stronger pirates. The three boys on the ground were taken but

the pirates did not see the boys that were in the trees. The boys that escaped went running

back to the Tree House overflowing with their strange story. The reason that I say their story

was strange is because normally the pirates would simply try to kill the Lost Boys when they

encountered them so it was very unique that they took the boys captive. We immediately

began to make plans to rescue them and puzzled over why they would take them as prisoners

in the first place. Over the next two days David sent out scouts and gathered information from

the spies in pirate town but did not come up with any concrete ideas of why the boys had been

captured, however he did find out where they were being held captive at. On the third morning

we had our answer. A lone pirate was seen walking towards the Tree House with a white flag.

Three of the boys went out to meet him and received the message that he was carrying. The

message was from Hook himself. It stated that he would trade the three Lost Boys that they

had captured in return for "the Lost Girl". He meant me! I was surprised that Hook would have

any interest in me but after hearing the stories about Wendy I should not have been so

shocked. David was incensed that Hook would ask for a trade. "Does Hook really think that we

would make a trade like that?! He knows were not stupid. Besides he wouldn't keep his

promise and instead would kill all four of you! He's just trying to bait us and push us into

action." He said angrily. Action was exactly what needed to happen though, since Hook had

given us three days to make the trade or he would execute the prisoners. With renewed vigor

we began focusing all of our efforts to make plans for breaking out the three boys. After a day

of frantic plotting we finally came up with a proposal for freeing the boys that seemed to have

the least flaws. The plan was to have three separate groups of Lost Boys sneak into the pirate

town the next evening around midnight. There was going to be a celebration in honor of Hook

for capturing the three boys that night so most of the pirates would be in a concentrated area.

One group of boys was to watch the party and if necessary provide a distraction there. The next

group was to act as spies and lookouts for the third group, and the third group was going to

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz