The Story Begins

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Alright grandchildren, settle down. That's right everyone into your beds. Joshua, stop

jumping on the bed!! You're jarring me so much that I can't remember my story. "Ohhh please

remember Grandma! You have to tell us the story about Neverland!!!! Now Jeannette I

promised you two that I would tell you my story, and as soon as you are quiet and get tucked

into bed I will begin. Now my dears I was born in 1669 in a small American seaport. "But

Grandma, that's not possible!!! You're not that old...... are you??!!" Yes, Jeanette I am very old, 

344 to be exact but only our family knows this. "How's that possible?" Magic. "Magic!! But I

thought magic was just in fairy tales." That's what I thought to Jeanette but now I know

differently. "But that doesn't make any sense!" Hush now child, let me tell you my story and it

will all be explained to you. Now where was I..... ahh yes my birthplace. My mother was the

wife of a sea captain in Her Majesties Royal Navy, and as she was an outgoing woman she

insisted on traveling with her husband. In those days this was something nearly unheard of but

my father was a forward thinking man, and loved my mother dearly, so she joined him on

almost all of his voyages. On this particulartrip she was pregnant with me, her firstborn, 

and it happened that the time came for my birth while they were in America. My mother named 

meCarolina after the town they were staying in. "Wait Grandma! I thought your' name is Karen?"

Why yes child it is but my full name is Carolina. Now the next day they were to set out again for

England, so the first months of my life were spent at sea. My mother had two other children

after me, a girl and a boy, and finally settled down in a small town; in a large, but cozy estate.

With children that needed her she no longer felt the call of the sea to go to distant lands. Father

however continued in the Navy and made an impressive name for himself. At the age of seven 

my father began taking me on sea voyages with him, short ones at first and steadily longer until

I had traveled all the way across the ocean and back. I thought life was perfect. I had a happy

family, food, and enough adventure to fill me for a lifetime. Nevertheless, my happiness was

about to end. When I was ten years old, the same age as you Jeanette, my father and I were on

a short trip to Ireland when we received the news that my mother and siblings had died of the

plague. Father was devastated. I could not understand it at first, but the truth slowly dawned

on me. It felt like I suddenly had a huge hole in my heart. "Your mama died!! But that's awful!!

"I know Joshua, but there was nothing we could do about it."

My father grieved for a long time but when he recovered he made a drastic change to our life

style. He sold our property and bought a tiny cottage by the sea. At this time he decided that I

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