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They often teased me and would put frogs in my bed and played many other

pranks on me. In fact David's favorite trick was to drop things on me like a blanket or leaves

when I would walk below him on the lower levels. This did not faze me and I enthusiastically

pranked them back. I was eager though to begin practicing my sword fighting and would try

slow short practices to help me regain my strength. After about two and a half months, I felt

strong enough to start some more strenuous practices and at the beginning of the third month I

was ready to spar with someone. David was the obvious choice for my sparing partner, as he

was the best of the Lost Boys at swordplay. Soone afternoon after I had warmed up for a while

I asked him if he would mind working with me. Now I have to say grandchildren that I was

rather arrogant and had been thinking to myself that I would beat him easily as I had probably

been one of the best swordsman in England even though I was of a young age. David proved

me wrong however and was instead an equal opponent. We started out slowly both feeling out

each other's strengths and weaknesses then began to move faster and faster. In and out we

danced. Parry! Thrust! Spin! Jab! Our swords rang with the force of our blows as each of us

tried harder and harder to overcome the other. Often one of us would surprise the other with a

technique that the other was not familiar with but neither of us was able to gain an advantage

over the other. I had always been quick to invent new moves in my fighting but this was taxing

me to the limit! Every new idea that I came up with and played out was met with one equally as

 good. By this time our swords were singing as they sped through the air as we gave each other

our best, however, both David and I were panting from exhaustion and the strain of the fight.

We were both worn out but our competitive spirits would not let us give in. Finally I tripped

over a stone and went down on my knee. Seeing this as a good opportunity to quit I called out

for a truce. David immediately pulled back, and we both stood gasping trying catch our breath. I

 was honestly very impressed with David's skill and once we had regained our wind I asked him

if he would like to practice with me every day. He readily agreed and from that day forward we

would practice our swordplay together.

Now grandchildren I wish that I could say that things continued on happily from there but it was

not so. As much as I enjoyed Neverland and staying with the Lost Boys, I was not content. Too

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now