Happy Endings

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One day I sat despondently looking out over the island thinking gloomy

thoughts when a warm cheerful breeze swept swiftly over the island leaving me with a glowing

feeling. "Peter!!!! It's Peter!!! Pan's back!!!" I hear Tinkerbell shout. She shot up into the sky

from her small house in a blaze of sparkling fairy dust. This created an enormous reaction from

the Lost Boys. They came running wildly from all parts of the tree shouting loudly. Suddenly I

heard a crowing from above the Tree House, a cocky self-assured sound that rang clearly

throughout the tree. The sound sent a strange warm shiver down my back and I ran down to

where the Lost Boys were gathered at the base of the tree. I stopped at the sight that met my

eyes. There in their midst stood a boy with a mass of wild red hair topped by a jaunty cap and

clad in a green shirt and dark ragged pants. "Peter Pan" I breathed. It was indeed the long gone

leader of the Lost Boys who now stood triumphantly in their jubilant midst. He was already

regaling the boys with farfetched tales and did not seem to even care or realize that he had

been gone for years and years. The chattering quieted down as I walked forwards. David walked

over to me and put his arm around me. "This is Karen, Peter. The girl we have been telling you

about." Peter swept off his hat and bowed low before me. Now that I was next to him I saw

that Peter was slightly younger than David but stood around the same height as him. He had a

young face with brilliant eyes that twinkled with mischief. "How do you do fair lady?" he asked.

"Very well kind sir" I answered. "And how do you like Neverland?" questioned Peter. "It is a

wonderful place and I like it very much here" I responded. Abruptly Peter lost his fancied air

and announced loudly, "A feast!! In honor of my return!" and bounded off to our long table.

The dishes were set out and we enjoyed a bountiful meal with exotic dishes that only Peter

could have imagined. The Lost Boys did not appear to be unduly worried that their leader had

gone and left them for nearly seven years and had just now returned (for seven years was how

long I had been in Neverland and Peter had apparently left just before I had been shipwrecked).

I found this very odd and I asked Sam why the Lost Boys were not troubled over Peter's long

absence. He replied saying that Peter had often left for long periods, but he did admit that this

had been the greatest length of time that he had ever been away. David had immediately

returned Peter his sword on his arrival and now carried my father's great broadsword across his

back. I smiled happily at the sight of the Lost Boys in their festive spirit. I now knew that I could

leave. Peter's return would be enough to distract them from my leaving, even though it was

going to be very difficult for me.

That evening after supper I sought out David. I asked him to come and talk with me privately.

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now