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I woke again the next morning just as Sam had guessed that I would. I sat up and found that I

wanted to walk about. I stood and slowly walked towards the door. It was very early in the

morning and when I opened the door to my room I stopped in surprise to see David stretched

out asleep in front of my door, sword in hand. Recovering from my surprise, I looked out of the  

doorway and at my surroundings. I was standing on sort of a deck or walkway that was

connected to a great many other walkways. As I stepped over David and onto the path I

realized that all of these paths were made around a tree. This tree however was huge!! The

tree was so gigantic that I could not see all the way around it and the back of my room was

really the tree itself! The whole place was strange and beautiful. Exotic birds filled the air with

their cries and flowers seemed to grow on the tree and even on the walkways! Vines hung

from the tree branches and other larger things hung down that I quickly realized were a sort of

hanging bed, with canopies made of wood over them. The walkways, which all had railings or

netting on them, led up to these strange bedrooms, above them, and all around the giant tree

all the way to the ground below. My movements must have woken David for he began to stir.

He stretched, yawned, and stood up saying "Good morning." "Good morning to you" I answered 

"Why were you sleeping in front of my door?" "I was guarding you in case pirates

attacked. I took over for Sam at midnight." David said. "There are pirates on this island?" I

asked. "Well they don't usually attack us but if something new or disturbing happens like that

bad storm they try to take advantage of it" replied David "But Tinkerbell can usually tell us if

Hook is on the prowl." "Hook, whose that? I asked. "Hook is the captain of the pirates at Pirate

Cove and our worst enemy" David said. Oh, wonderful, I thought to myself, an island with

magic and pirates. I did not say this out loud but instead asked if I had to imagine myself a plate

and bowl for breakfast. David laughed loudly at this and then asked if he could help me down to

the ground where he said that breakfast was being served. I agreed and we gradually made our

way to the ground level. At the base of the tree was a clearing with gorgeous pool of clear

water with several small fish swimming in it, there were what also appeared to be tunnels of a 

sort and other levels of ground where there were other clearings. We went past the pool,

through a tunnel and into a different clearing where a long table was set with utensils and

platters of steaming food. Only a few of the Lost Boys were awake at that time since it really

was still very early in the morning, but as we sat down to eat more and more joined us until the

table was full. I noticed that all of the boys were armed with some kind of weapon or another.

Most just carried a simple dagger but other had slingshots, bows, and even some swords like

Neverland, the Lost Boys and the First Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now