9-Another Surprise?

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P'payus POV
After I had taken Rain to go get some food we got back in the car and I started driving to the next surprise I had planned for him. Rain has mentioned dyeing his hair a couple of times. He also mentioned he didn't want to do it for fear of upsetting me. Had he said it to me No he said it to sky and I overheard him. So I was taking him to get whatever he wanted done. I was determined to do everything in my power to make sure rain was happy with himself and that he knew I was happy and love him no matter how he looks.
Rains POV
As we pulled out of the restaurants parking lot Phi confused me once again by driving the opposite way of home and I had no clue what he was doing. He seemed lost in thought so I figured it best to let him think.

Sorry it's so short I felt bad not updating and really wanted to at least do something small for you guys. Thank so much for being so patient and understanding I hope to be all healed up soon🤍 also why is typing one handed so hard haha😂😅

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