Part 22- The unexpected

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It was a long drive but luckily with some music and time Rain fell asleep on the way. It has been about 3 hours on the road so far. My uncle moved away from the family a long time ago when I was still just a kid. I remember him telling me that him leaving didnt mean I couldn't come to him for help and right now I needed his help. I could go to my pa but he would just lock us up on the mansion and try to hunt people down in the meantime but that's not gonna fix this. Rain has school I have work and sky would definitely notice if Rain went missing. I needed to handle this without it being suspicious and without the threat knowing that I'm doing so. That's where my uncle comes in. No one is better at handleing a problem like this than him. He had been handling problems like these and hiding it from media and paparazzi for years. Not just them but he has hidden things like this from the family so I know I can count on him. After another hour we arrive. I chose to wait to wake Rain and first talk to my uncle myself. So I get out of the car and head up to the door. I knock three times and wait. After a few moments the door opens. "Hi uncle Kim.. I need help" I figure its best to be up frount about why I'm here he looks around for a moment "does it have somthing to do with whoever is in your car" he asked I knew he would notice and I nod "wake him up and have him go sleep in the guest bedroom Chay would kill me if I left a kid sleeping in the car like that" I nod and walk to the car. I don't wanna wake Rain so I opt for just unbuckling him and carrying him he stirs a bit in my arms "your alright my love just sleep" I place a gentle kiss on his forehead and carry him inside Kim looking at me in shock I give him I look assuring him I know I have a LOT of explaining to do. He leads me to the guest room where I lay rain in the bed and tuck him in. I leave and my uncle is looking at me waiti g for the explanation I know I owe him. "So what the hell happened after I left" he prompts and I have no clue how to explain so I guess I should start at the beginning "I met him at the university he was at orientation with his friend and he bumped into me. He and his friend invited me out for drinks that night and his car broke down. Saifah was at the garage so I had him come tow Rains car and let him stay the night. I expected it to end there but fate has a thing for the unexpected and he and I kept running into each other. He was like no one I had ever met before I'm not really sure when but at some point I started hoping to run Into him. When I did it was like I was oddly happy I wasn't sure what that meant so I asked papa he said it meant I liked him. The moment papa said that I started to avoid him I didn't want to like him I had never wanted a lover and I thought that by avoiding him I would go back to the way I was and he would be safe but I was wrong. Two weeks later his friend called me saying he got my number from one of the seniors and that Rain was missing he thought Rain was with me. I left the moment his friend told me and had everyone I could looking for him and I found him nearly passed out on the road. He had gotten himself kidnapped by someone I beat at a race after he had broken into the race to see me. The moment I saw him covered in bruises and barley able to stay awake i knew I couldnt avoid him. It wasn't keeping him safe it was torturing both of us and putting him in more danger. I swore to myself after that, that no matter what comes I'm going to be by his side I'm going to love and protect him. " he sighed and looked at me with an unreadable expression "so what is so bad that you can't protect him from it or go to your dads? Considering the boy has your black rose around his neck I would say he is safe" of course he noticed "well someone got into my home somehow. His mother. If you can even call her that. She had a dragon tattoo on her arm uncle Kim it could be a coincidence but considering she got to my home undetected and found him despite him being hidden by me I don't think it is. There was also a rock thrown through my window with our names crossed out on it."

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