Chapter 4: Spin the roulette

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"Kyahaha~☆! Looks like lady luck is on my side today!"

Mc has been sitting on the side, watching a game of mahjong for the past 2 hours. Mammon had lost 27 games in a row to the redhead on the opposite side of the table who was laughing obnoxiously.

"You know what ta do Mammo-chan!"

"Dammit!" He grumbles and reaches into his pocket but pulls nothing out.

"Are ya out? If ya are, y'know what ya hafta do now~"

"I am NOT going to do that! Just gimme a sec!"

He looks at Mc with pleading eyes. They sigh and take their wallet out of their pocket.

"You owe me."

"Thanks Mc!" He gives Mc a kiss on the cheek and takes 2,500 yen, giving it to the redhead.

" 'nother round?"

Mc gives Mammon a sharp look. "Mammon?"

He sighs, "Finee."

As Mammon walks over to Mc, they start whispering.

"Why, of all things, are we here again?"

"I'm sorryy Mcc," he whines. "But ya know how hard it is to suppress my greed!"

"Yeah, but we should've used this time to figure out a way back or find a place to stay."

"If ya need a place to stay, I have somewhere ya can crash for a while."

Mc and Mammon look at the redhead. Surprise and joy evident in both their eyes.

"Really?" "Thanks so much!"

Niki wasn't expecting more guests but when Rinne literally kicked down the door with two guests in tow looking at him with a Wtf expression, which is normal if you know Rinne.

"Niki-kyun!! I'm home!"

"Rinne-kun!! Why did you kick down the door??!!!! 😰😰😰"

Asmodeus and Solomon were both glancing between him and Rinne from the dinner table where they had been playing Uno.

Ignoring what Niki said, Rinne walks in, dragging the newcomers through the now broken door.

He leaves them with Niki and goes to the kitchen to grab something, probably beer.

"Uhh, hello," says the shorter one, waving awkwardly.

"Hello! Sorry about Rinne-Kun. Make yourself comfortable! I can cook something up if you're hungry. Just let me know I'll be in the kitchen." He waves and walks to the kitchen, thinking of a recipe that consists solely of eggs.

He was in extremely deep thought when he hears really high pitched screaming.

"AAAHhH!! Mcc~~!!!" He sees a blur of pink and white followed by loud crashing sounds and a yelp.

Looking out the kitchen archway Niki watches as Asmodeus bear hugs one of the newcomers, giving them multiple kisses.

"Asmo-. Can't. Breathe. Too. tight-."

"Oi! Asmo, get yer hands offa them!"

"Oops! Sorry Mc!"

Asmodeus lets go of Mc, who was now sitting on the floor.

Niki chooses to continue cooking and retreats into the kitchen to make an egg-streme dish.

"Hi, Mc, Mammon." Solomon nods to both of them. Earlier, Niki had brought him and Asmo to his house after overhearing how they had nowhere to stay. Niki told them (complained) how he had a very annoying and loud roommate. It sounded slightly affectionate though which left Solomon confused.

"Hey Solomon!" "Hi."

"What are you two doing here?"

"Ah, Diavolo asked me to check out a statue and Luci didn't want me to go alone so we held a debate? Mammon won with the 'I'm their first!' claim so he came with me. We went to the statue and next thing we know, we're in a parlor."

"It was a win for me though!" Says Mammon.

"I watched you lose 27 times. You even had to-". Mc couldn't continue speaking as Mammon had covered their mouth with his hand.

"Noooo. I won a few times too. Ya just didn't see!"

Mc tried to say something but Mammon was stronger so they settled for a lighthearted glare paired with a menacing 'I'll get you later' smile. Solomon and Asmo both get shivers.

Somewhere in the Devildom, Lucifer and Diavolo simultaneously sneeze.

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