Soon To Be

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Hello! Hope you enjoy! Don't worry... I'll make this into an XReader one day! (Please let me write this fully first!)

Somewhere in London...

3rd person pov

"Could've been a little more louder when you fell out of bed you know." A young male teased as his younger sibling came walking down the stairs

The young girl, about to start an odd first day at an odd school for reasons only her and her brother knew, was about to start her first day at a wizarding school.

"Shut up ya-"
"Hey! Watch the language. You gotta pass as a student there ya know."
"Jeez. Way to make me feel good about today."

The young girl, very tall for a girl overall, had very short red hair cut like a boy. A scar ran along her eyebrow down to her cheek and over her eye, both of which were a crimson red color. Her golden cloak swayed with the breeze that came from an open window as she fixed her tie and tightened her shoes. She, unknown to her older brother, was actually excited for today... but also extremely terrified for what the day had ahead. After all, one of her Professors was coming to get her in a few minutes.

"You know I'm only teasing right little sis?"
"I know. I'm just-"
"Nervous? Excited? I know! I was too!"

The girl looked at the half hung robe that had the Ravenclaw symbol sewed on the front, the blue and white inner clothes that went along with it too. She could only hope she didn't end up there. After all, it's not like she wanted to stay exactly in her older brothers footsteps.

"What was it like?"
"What? The school? Well it was pretty cool. But you know that was back when-"
"Yeah.... I know."

She didn't want to think about the things her brother had to do many eons ago. It wasn't something she even wanted to ever talk about. After all, the last person she ever told died with that secret and was buried alongside it. Only she and her brother could ever know about it... or else you could die by it.

"Hello? I believe this is-"

The older boy opened the door, to see an older gentlemen in his late years and long robes on as he walked through the door. He smiled at the young girl as she grabbed a suitcase and looked to the wand that her brother put on the table. It was his old wand, and it would be hers until she could get her own someday soon.

"You must be Reginald and Rath! Good to meet you two officially. I'm Professor Fig, one of your teachers at Hogwarts." The old gentleman said to both of them, shaking Reginald's hand

He extended a hand to Rath, the red headed girl only for her to just stare at him. What did this mean? Reginald then took a step forward and put an arm in front of her.

"She has a thing with touching. It's not you Professor. Give her some time."

He nodded at Reginald, the oldest sibling of the two.

"Alright. Then let's be on our way! We've got a long flight ahead of us." Fig said as he started to walk out the door

Rath nodded at her brother as he gave her a hug, grabbing her suitcase as a small barn owl flew through another window. The owl landed on her shoulder as both Rath and her brother followed behind Fig. With everything tied to the carriage, Rath took a deep breath in as the driver and it's invisible creatures pulling it got ready to go.

"Alright that should be everything. Such a shame we didn't get to practice more spellwork before the year began."
"It's alright Professor. Perhaps you can teach me more later."
"Oh! There you are Eleazar! I will say I did give some city walkers a scare when I missed the location." An unknown man spoke to both of them
"George! Good to see you my good friend."
"Ah ah... let's not talk here Eleazar."

Some time later...

"Did you hear about this?" George asked Fig showing him a newspaper
"Hmm... yes. The Ministry seems divided on how much of a threat Ranrok really is. Ranrok is leading a goblin army, how could the ministry not be threatened by that."
"Well... I presume it's in the Ministry's hands now. I have something to show you Professor."

Diving into his pocket, George pulled out a capsule of some sorts as held it in his hands.

Rath pov

As the man named George dug into his pocket and held out a capsule, I noticed an odd trace of something on it that I could see with my own eyes. It seemed to be coming from inside the capsule itself.

"I can see magic on it." I spoke up
"Magic? I don't see-"
"Right there Professor." I said touching where I could see an emblem of some sorts

The capsule soon popped open, some sort of key appearing from within it.

"I wonder what-"

A loud crash and then I saw something I knew will haunt me forever. The carriage was ripped in half as George was crushed by the jaws of a dragon, looking at us with hungry eyes and on its way to kill us.

"Jump!" Fig yelled as he grabbed my sleeve

As I fell, I looked back at the driver as the previously invisible creatures became visible. They were very skinny almost skeleton like creatures with black skin and wings.

"Almost like a Pegasus!"

Without any other option, the key seemingly swirled in front of my eyes as all I saw was white, feeling my body hit something hard and warm as I slowly opened my eyes.

To be continued...

A Snake's Flame (Sebastian Sallow x Original Character story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora