Don't Make Me...

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Ello more soft boys and girls ahead!!!

Sebastian pov

Rath was the first and only girl I've ever been this close with. It just seemed so easy to love her, as if I'd done it a hundred times before her.

"Boo!" I spoke as I poked Rath's sides with my hands
"Seb!" She shouted as she jumped and spun around, smiling at me
"Aww there's that smile I was looking for! Even if I don't see it a lot, it still makes me happy each time I do get to see it."

Rath rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand as I held it up for her to hold. We started to walk down the path toward an abandoned cave by Feldcroft. Surely we could find an answer there.

"So... how was Figs work he gave you?" I asked as I walked right next to her
"Just great. I really had fun." She said with sarcasm
"That bad? Surely it wasn't all that bad?"
"Well it depends. I didn't know what I was getting into with this trial stuff. I didn't even know what in the world an Elder Wand is."
"You don't know The Deathly Hallows? Surely-"

I held back my words. I forgot that Rath wasn't always adept with magic like I was since I was a kid. She's new to this, still learning and growing as a witch in this world.

"Never mind."
"Never mind? Well that's a new you Sebastian. Forgetting something? That's not like you." She teased poking my side with her free hand
"Hey now. You're gonna regret doing that." I said letting go of her hand as I tried to hug her
"Make me!" She said starting to run ahead of me
"Come back here you little-"

She ran ahead, jumping over small roots and into the trees as I dashed after her.

"You can't run forever Darling!" I spoke up as I saw her short crimson hair dash behind a tree in front of me
"Yes I can!" She yelled as she turned and ran behind another tree
"Accio Rath!" I teased as I used my wand to try and find her

She was running circles around me, as if she could just step and suddenly be in a different spot. Was this a part of her magical past?

"Expelliarmus!" I heard above me

I looked up, feeling my wand fall from my hands as I saw Rath standing in a tree, leaning against it like it was no problem at all.

"How did you get up there?" I asked
"I'm not giving you my secrets just like that Seb!" She joked
"Fine then. I'll just get you to come down the hard way."
"And that is what? You have no leverage over me Snake Boy."
"Oh really? Then get down here and prove it Lion Girl."

She jumped down about ten feet from the branch above me, landing perfectly on her toes like a cat, landing with a hand to the ground just to steady herself in case she fell.

"Whoa. That was quite a jump."
"Eh it's not too bad. Quite fun actually."
"Falling is fun to you?"
"From a high place and then going back into the air again? Of course it is!"
"So you want to die?"
"What? No! Like... flying! But not with a broom or on the back of a Hippogryph... it's different when you're on your own."

She seemed to smile at the sky, thinking of something fond for her to remember.

"On your own? What does that mean? It's not like you can just grow wings and take off into the sky like you're a beast."
"Sebastian... but what if I am? You've seen my memories... the thing I am. What if-"

I grabbed her hand, tightly so she knew I serious about what I wanted to tell her.

"No. Absolutely not. There is no way I'm letting you experience the pain of being that monster again."

Her eyes darkened. I think that's when I realized I used the wrong words.

"So you do think I'm a monster?"
"No that's not what I meant I-"
"Sebastian but what if those memories will help me find an answer... not just for me but for your sister?"

She was playing with fire, using a cure for my sister as a reason for this insane idea. She knew just how to push my buttons. But then... that question came back to my head.

"Her or my sister?"

For once, it's her. She is the answer to this question, for one the answer not being my sister.

"Answer me Sebastian. What if-"

A kiss on her lips distracted her, freezing her to the spot as I looked into her crimson eyes, making sure to not look away even as we parted. She seemed so confused.

"I can't let you... even if it'll help Anne. I just can't. I..."

I gripped her other hand with my free one, our fingers interlocked as I stared into her eyes.

"I won't let you do it... even if you begged me." I answered with a serious tone

Her eyes widened at my statement, she didn't know what to say.

"No buts. Come on. We'll do this just like we planned. You're not ever going to use that thing ever again. Do you hear me? As long as I'm here you're not doing anything with it."

She nodded as we began to walk to our destination, my one hand letting go so I could lead her to the cave.

Rath pov

This cave felt... odd. Like there was something hiding in it that I should've been scared of.

"Stupid feelings." I unintentionally said out loud
"Oh. I just have a feeling I'm being watched."
"Well I'm here. It could just be me."

It didn't feel like Sebastian. Instead, it felt like I was being targeted by some sort of creature I couldn't see. It was larger than me, waiting for me to be alone so it could rip my soul right out of my body.

"No... it's not you. It feels... bigger."
"Bigger? Like Rookwood? Can you sense him?"

Worry clouded his eyes as we both recalled what happened the last time he caught us. Rookwood was dead set on handing me over to either Ranrok or my father, and I knew either choice was death for me. Maybe that's why Sebastian came running for me.

"No I just... it's a feeling like something is looking at us."

Sebastian looked around as he took a step inside of the cave. Surely this thing that was following us would come in here right?

"I don't like this..."

To be continued...

A Snake's Flame (Sebastian Sallow x Original Character story)Where stories live. Discover now