Thanks 4 The Memories

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Helloooo as you can tell by now almost everything here is fucked up for Rath so uh... wish her luck at living! (Also I'm VERY sick so I'll try to update every day till I'm better!)

Some time later...

3rd person pov

Somehow, Rath managed to follow Sebastian out of Hogwarts in the middle of the night, just when she was supposed to be recovering in the hospital wing. Why had Sebastian dragged her out so far... well, he was desperate... and desperation is a tricky thing.

"Maybe we both can find the answers we need?" Sebastian spoke as he helped Rath up a ledge and into the runic door
"Why do I need answers? I don't have any questions in my head."

Rath was smart, almost a genius but there was one thing she could never figure out: what someone meant when they wanted to help her. Sebastian was dense, but not stupid. He knew Rath was in trouble, and he wanted to help out while looking for clues about his sister.

"I just thought that maybe-"
"Hang on!"

The floor beneath both of them caved in, making a slope for both of them to fall down as they descended into darkness.

"Shit Lumos!" Rath shouted as she looked around in a panicked manner
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah. I'm okay. Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I'm fine. Just great."
"I can detect the sarcasm from here."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, also casting Lumos as he and Rath looked around the circular room they were in.

"Wait... why does this-"

Rath could barely finish the sentence before she realized this was not somewhere she should be. It was dangerous to be here, a hazardous zone of memories that dared to show itself to both of them if they kept looking.

"Sebastian we have to go."
"What? Why? There's-"

A stone slab moved in the center of the room, making Sebastian turn back as he was trying to walk back to his friend. A smaller, rounded slab appeared from the center of the room, almost as if it was making a table of sorts for something to be read upon.

"Sebastian don't take another step."
"Why? It's not dangerous. Besides, if any Inferi pop up I'll just Confringo them back to the darkness."
"That's not-"

Suddenly, a sound only that Rath could hear began to play in her head. It was like a loud screeching, messing with what she was seeing and what she could feel. It was like that one night all over again as Sebastian tried to destroy it.

"Damn! Shit! Fuck!"

A string of different curses left Sebastian's mouth as he casted spells upon the slab, trying to get it to break.

"Augh! Come on just break damn you!" He cursed as he tried one more time to cast Bombarda on it

The screeching and grating sounds in Rath's head only got louder the more Sebastian stalled for time. It seemed to be getting worse by the minute.

"You have to cast something on someone in order for this to work!"

Rath recalled the memory, but couldn't remember what it was exactly that was needed to be said.

"Noli exspectare diaboli amicum antiquum...."

As if that was the very thing, the ringing stopped, prompting Rath to stand up.

"Are you alright? Can you-"
"I'm okay Sebastian. I'm just a little dazed. My head hurts a little too."
"We should get out of here. That was another close attempt at-"


Rath could see it all... the carnage and bloodshed that filled the very room they stood in. Rivers of blood being leaked from the top of each doorway, a trap designed to choke the life out of anyone who dared step foot in there. It reeked of death and decay as all sorts of things died in that very room. Sacrifices were made of all kinds to appease the demons inside of it... but nothing worked. The blood was new every day, door sealing those inside and drowned in the red rivers with no means of escape as it drained over the next day. That was her first mission... to live through the torture and survive till morning.

"Get too it young one. You'll have to read in order to live." The voice taunted in her head

Rath could feel every groove, every mark and scratch made into the stones as she examined for a way out in the darkness. How long did people suffer in there? Is this how she was going to die?

"You must read it... read it if you wish to find out your fate."

And just like that Rath read the Latin inscribed on the archway above her, causing everything in the room to shuffle around as one hole above her started to leak something onto the ground. It was, of course, blood. Rath could feel it on her hands and clothes, staining everything she ever had with her in there.

"Please! Let me out! Help! Someone!" She cried as she clawed and scratched at the door that slammed shut behind her

Flashback end...

Rath pov

"Time to go! Now!"

The door slammed shut above their heads, their only way out was to now relive the nightmare that was inside of this hell.

"Rath what have you not been telling me?"
"Can we not talk about this now?! As we're about to die?!"

Sebastian's eyes widened at those words, his bravery turning to panic as he began to look for a way out.

"Shit shit shit!" He yelled as he tried to blast down one of the walls
"It's not going to work!"
"I can see that!"
"Well then use our brains and think!"

What could they do? It was only a matter of time before they would drown in minutes.

"Did you intend for us to get stuck here?" Rath asked as the bloody water filled up to their shins
"No! If I knew this was here I would've turned around and left whatever is in here!"

Rath pov

"Latin... a Latin phrase is the key! But what?! What-"

"semper fidelis in sanguine!"

Unconsciously aiming my wand at the ceiling, those words rang in my head. A red beam of light went off and blasted a hole straight into ceiling, making a giant hole.

"There! Come on!" I yelled
"Wingardium Leviosa!" Sebastian yelled as he flung me into the air and out of the hole
"Sebastian!" I yelled as I hit the ground, just able to see him below me

What could I do? I don't-

"Accio Sebastian!" I yelled as my wand lit up with a bright green glow

Sebastian flew from the hole below me, before landing softly on the ground next to me. He was amazed but also concerned for me.

"Rath!" He shouted as I coughed up some sort of liquid from my throat

I quickly covered my mouth with my free hand, feeling some sort of burning liquid fall into my hand. I blinked a few times, feeling the liquid slip between my fingers like it was warm honey. I felt my hand shake as I realized it was dark as night, yet warm like the sun in my hand.

"W-what? What is this?"

A shiver rushed down my spine as I felt the pain in my throat again, coughing up more of the black liquid as I fell to my knees.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked placing a hand on my back

I wanted to run, to grab his arm and twist it... no... I can't think that way anymore. That's not me... but...

"Who even am I anymore?" I asked between coughs

I stood up slowly, my legs shaking as I grabbed onto Sebastian's arms for support as we both stood up.

"Let's get you back to Hogwarts."
"No. You said we're looking for something so let's go find it."

To be continued...

A Snake's Flame (Sebastian Sallow x Original Character story)Where stories live. Discover now