Chapter 17 - Cooper

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The nearly blissful atmosphere that had been evoked through the deliciously fresh food instantly soured at Jen's spiteful demand. Similarly, the happy delight on Ivy's face was replaced with a defensive scowl.

"I told you I would talk to my group. That we would think about letting you stay with us," Ivy started to explain but Jen was quick to interrupt her.

"What is there to think about? We are living in a freaking shipping container while you have tangerine trees and fresh bread. The fact that you didn't allow us in the moment you met us proves just how selfish and cruel you and your people are. How can you live with yourselves knowing that we were out here with those things and living in a steel box, eating spoiled canned food while you lived it up in your safe haven?" Jen yelled with such vehemence that spit flew from her mouth.

I could see Jen's words hit their mark. Ivy flinched and the edges of her lips tipped down in a frown. But Ivy wasn't the only victim of Jen's poisonous words. I had no idea she felt that way about our home. Because that was what the big rig was. It was our home and we had all shed blood, sweat, and tears for it. Me more than the others. I had made the decision to keep us mobile. It had been my brother that had died for the sake of the truck as a herd descended on us.

It had been my decisions that led us to where we were now. And before this moment I had thought that it had been working. We were safe. I had kept them safe.

"I understand that you are looking for a safe place to stay but we can't take in every person that comes along," Ivy started to explain in a low voice but Jen interrupted her again.

"We have a child!" Jen cried, jumping out of her seat and pointing at Sebbie who was still nestled in Ivy's arms, quietly chewing on a piece of bread slathered with jam. "You are condemning that sweet child to suffer and die if you don't let us in!"

Ivy looked as if Jen had just slapped her.

"Hey now, that isn't fair," I said at the same time that Everett yelled, "Please. Don't for one second pretend that you care about Sebbie. You would push him in front of a Z to save your own ass in a heartbeat."

"That's - that's just not true," Jen shouted back but you could tell even she didn't believe the words she was saying. "And it is beside the point. The point is that you have a good thing, a safe place with real food and clean clothes, and you are hogging it all for yourself. It isn't fair. I demand to talk to whoever is in charge. I want to meet your leader."

Ivy didn't say anything in response. Just sat there, gently hugging Sebbie to her chest as she stared at Jen.

"We have turned people away," I reminded Jen and Ivy's eyes flicked to me. I held her gaze and prayed that she saw that I understood. I wouldn't hold her decision against her. "We have had people begging at our door. People who wanted the safety that our truck provides and we slammed the doors in their faces before driving away. Jen, you were always on board with that decision. You said yourself. We didn't have enough resources to go around. We needed to look after ourselves first. The same is true for Ivy and her people. Think about everything we have done and gone through to be here today. Her people will have similar stories. Not taking us in doesn't make them selfish or cruel. It makes them survivors. Just like we are."

Ivy's brow furrowed as she considered my words.

"It's not the same!" Jen yelled and I clenched my jaw. If she really did want in with these people, she wasn't helping matters. All she was doing was showing how ungrateful and temperamental she was. "We don't have extra like this. They clearly do if she can just give away gas and food like this."

"And what would you say? If you had a chance to talk to our leader, what would you say?" Ivy questioned in a voice that was devoid of the rampant emotion within Jen's. Ivy was going to make decisions based on logic instead of emotion. That could be both good and bad for us.

Everett had to physically cover Jen's mouth with his hand to keep her from answering that question. Jen didn't speak for us and we could all feel the importance of this moment. However, Ivy's eyes hardened as they tracked Everett's movements. She did not like that he was physically keeping Jen from talking.

"If we were to make an appeal to join your group we would talk about how we would work every day to contribute to the safety and well-being of the community. We have learned a lot about how to safely and efficiently gather needed supplies and would be willing to go out on runs and take our turn doing watch. I am an expert marksman and both Lucas and Everett are good with guns and knives. We are willing to get our hands dirty to burn Zs and any other jobs that need to be done," I told her and meant every word.

"We aren't looking for a free ride. We will earn our keep," Lucas summed up.

Ivy's eyes returned to Everett's loose hold on Jen. "And what guarantees do I have that my people would be safe with you? That you wouldn't see what we have and just decide to take it for yourselves?" Ivy asked and there was weight to her words. Like if that was something that had happened before.

It was a valid fear. One that we had about our truck.

Everett released Jen and leaned forward till he was barely a foot in front of Ivy's face. "You know that you are safe with us. You may not be ready to admit it to yourself but deep down you know that to be true. You wouldn't keep coming back if you didn't. Now, we might not be a good fit with the rest of your group but we would never make a move against them because that would hurt you. And the very last thing that any of us would do is hurt you, Darlin'."

I could practically taste the tension pouring off of Everett. His desire for her trust was a living thing that was blossoming between them. It was equally clear that she wasn't ready to give it to him yet.

Ivy didn't trust us and Jen just had to go and push the issue. Now we might be running out of time to do this right. 

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