(ME) contest

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"so first of all how are we gonna do this contest if we dont even have the things for it..." you ask them.

"we can go shop right now!" diego says getting up taking his keys from the table.

"i hate how the last minute people are doing this together." you say making them laugh.

"we did this to ourselves." ney says rolling his eyes.

"agreed...but it might be fun so lets go!" you say running towards the door with digeo and ney following behind.

you both arrived a store and ended up exploring the whole thing, shopping for other stuff for yourselves.

"LOOK AT THIS PLUSHY!!!!" diego yells out as you go over to him to squish it in cuteness aggression.

"ITS SO CUTE!" you yell back at him feeling how soft the plushy felt.

this whole shenanigan went on for about a few more minutes until you all finally got to the aisle with the stuff you needed. the arts and crafts aisle.

"okay, we need paint, markers, fine point, poster boards, glitter, paper, and some glue." you say reading off the list that you guys created.

you guys looked around to find the stuff and bought some extra things to make the poster board pop out.

"okay we got them!" ney says.

"were so winning this rock cycle poster contest." diego says as you and ney agreed.

"its kinda random how the mall just announced that type of contest." you say thinking about your encounter with the whole thing.

"hey at least we get a prize." ney says.

"what was the prize?" you ask thinking about it.

"i think it was a camping set for like a family..not sure." diego answers as you nod your head in understanding.

"at least we can use it if we all decide to go camping!" you say happily.


"how the hell did that kid beat us. his thing looked like he got it out of the dumpster!" ney says as you and diego agree.

"grow up you sore losers those are kids." jude says sighing at the sight in front of him.

you, ney, and diego were on your knees ripping up the poster.

"YOU WOULDNT KNOW HOW IT FEELS." diego yells out dramatically.

"of course not, im not the one that lost to a kid." jude fires making you gasp.

"fyi if we wouldve won we couldve gotten a family camping set." you stick out your tongue.

"WHAT!? YOU DIDNT SAY THAT." joao joins in the conversation with despair in his tone.

"YOU COULDVE SAID THAT SOONER. LETS GO TO THE MALL KIDS." jude says picking up his keys as you all yell in agreement.

everyone was out the door except for gavi and sav.

"i still cant believe they are seniors in highschool." gavi says as sav laughs in agreement.


hellaur im alive been busy w school xoxo 💋

sorry accidentally unpublished the wrong one

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