(See you all next time!)
After a second, Rui pulled away and looked away in embarrassment, which Kai found to be absolutely adorable. Even though he wanted to mess the boy's face up even more, he had already said he would have food brought there, so instead of acting on his wishes, he instead redonned his mask and buttoned up a new shirt and left the room.
Rui didn't look up even as Overhaul left the room, but when he heard the door shut, he flipped over and made a frustrated noise into the pillow. The fact that his mind was comparing the kisses he'd had with Kai so far was bad enough, and his face didn't seem to want to cool down! He didn't know if he'd be able to deal with this if this became an everyday occurrence.
It took a bit for the young head of the hassaikai to return, bringing with him their food on two trays that had stands so it could be eaten in bed. The staff member that had suggested this had gotten a raise for their quick thinking.
"Thanks for the food!" Rui clapped his hands together when one of the trays was placed before him, digging in as Overhaul rounded the bed to lounge beside him with his own food. It was peaceful, eating next to each other in bed, feeling the body heat, being able to hear the other breathe. "Ugh, I cannot tell you how much I missed this stuff while I was gone," The ravenette groaned, having just finished off his plate.
"Then you shouldn't have left," Kai replied without missing a beat, and just as Rui was going to deadpan at him for the gaul of that statement, he locked eyes with him. "I realize that I forced myself on you then, but we could have spent all of that time working through and figuring out where to go from there. I was willing to give you a choice. But now," He ran an ungloved hand over the boy's cheek. "You're mine, Rui."
"...Yes, Kai," the boy murmured back, his cheeks heating up at the clear claim. Before he could process anything further, Kai had connected their mouths, forcing his tongue through the boy's lips to deepen the kiss. It felt really lewd as the foreign presence licked and probed about his mouth, but it didn't necessarily feel bad. As Kai brought him over so that Rui was straddling him, he withdrew from the kiss to look up at him, observing his face as the boy sat awkwardly in his lap.
"When does school start for you?" Kai eventually asked, his hands settling on Rui's hips just in case he thought of trying to get off of him.
"I have orientation on Sunday, then actual classes start on Monday," The ravenette answered, tilting his head at his guardian. "Uniforms should be here by Friday. Keeping them in the bathroom, right?" He smiled, and Overhaul nodded.
"That's right. Remember to shower when you come back from UA every day so the filth of heroes doesn't come into the compound," He reminded him. Nodding, Rui shifted slightly, feeling an uncomfortable feeling creeping up his legs. "Don't move."
"But--" He went to protest, but the look in Kai's eyes made the complaint die on his tongue.
"I'm trying to wait until you're more acclimated," He muttered lowly, his hands trailing from Rui's waist to his ass. "So if you don't want to have sex right now, you'll stay right there."
"S-s-s-s-s-" The boy's face ran redder than the yakuza leader had ever seen it before as he stammered the perverse word, not even being able to say it. That's so like Rui, Kai thought to himself as the corners of his lips turned upwards. He always draws me in without meaning to.
"Rui," Overhaul addressed, and the overheating boy quickly gulped and shook himself out of the dirty thoughts plaguing his mind to put his focus on the man he was sitting on top of. When Kai saw that Rui was paying attention to him and only him, he went on. "I don't know if I love you, but," He murmured, his hands moving so that they could take hold of both of the ravenette's. "I do know that I want you here, by my side."
"Just not in a friend way, huh?" The boy playfully added, though he sort of grimaced through it. Humming, Kai nodded his confirmation.
"Yes. Friends don't sleep together and kiss every day with the intention of sex."
"R-right," Rui's face went red again at the blunt facts being said, pursing his lips slightly. "A-as long as it's not right away," He mumbled, his eyes darting around awkwardly. "I guess I wouldn't mind.. if we.. did things.."
"I'm glad you agree," Kai huffed, having almost said that he didn't need his permission on reflex. Watching as Rui's face lit up, he was glad he had stopped himself from saying that in time.
"Oh!" Rui suddenly exclaimed, causing the young leader to raise his eyebrows. "I forgot to ask, but which side of the bed do you like better?"
"Whichever side you don't want," He responded briskly, and the boy almost deadpanned at him.
"I couldn't care less, cause I can sleep on either side. I'll ask again," He peered scrutinizingly at his guardian, moving his face closer to try and spot any attempts to avoid answering. "Which side do you want, Kai?"
"...This side is fine. I usually just sleep on whichever side looked the cleanest," He answered with a slight shrug. "You can get off now, by the way."
"Okay!" Rui rolled off of him, giggling at himself before freaking out as he bumped into his food tray. Luckily nothing fell and nothing was spilled, so he let out a sigh of relief as he put a hand over his racing heart. Kai watched the event, thinking that the boy in his charge was as adorable as ever.
"I'll get going now," Overhaul said as he stood from the bed, catching Rui's attention. "I was just taking a short break from work, so I'll be back around 11. Until then," He ruffled the ravenette's hair. "Do whatever you want."
"Kay," Rui nodded with a slight smile. "Then I'll see you around 11! Don't work yourself too hard, and make sure to stay hydrated," He said. Overhaul felt the overwhelming need to tell him to take his own advice, but instead he just retracted his hand, put on his gloves, took the two food trays, and left the room.
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𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥
Fanfiction[вηнα x мαℓє σƈ] He just wants to sleep, eat, play, repeat. However, life has a funny way of dragging everyone out of bed into the world around them. Chance meetings, enrollment, camaraderie, misunderstandings, and so much more are in store for our...