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"So," Yaoyorozu started one she, Rui and Ojiro were sitting down together. "Your quirk wasn't exactly what we thought it was."

"How so?" Rui pressed as he picked up his chopsticks. "Did a bunch of quirks flow into me and gain personalities or something?"

"What did you guys think his quirk was?" Ojiro asked, trying to get up to speed. He also hadn't a clue as to what the ravenette's quirk was, not after all of the things he could do. But Rui was a cool dude, and Ojiro wasn't one to judge someone based on their quirk.

"We thought it was something like multiple personalities with different quirks for each one," Rui told him. "Apparently my eyes change color depending on which alter it is, at least that's what we theorized. So," He returned his attention to his female classmate. "What'd you find out?"

"You mostly had dark blue eyes yesterday," She told him, and it was at that moment that the blonde realized that Rui's eyes were not, in fact, dark blue like he had thought they were. His eyebrows shot up as Yaoyorozu kept going. "I talked with him and he introduced himself as Heracles, the greek hero and god of athletes," she explained, and this time, both Ojiro and Rui's jaws dropped.

"What?!" Rui gawked. "That's crazy! Are you sure it wasn't just a personality that developed based off of Heracles? Wait," He furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced at Ojiro to back him up. "Wasn't it Hercules that was the greek god?"

"Hercules was the Roman equivalent," Yaoyorozu corrected. "Disney's cartoon of Hercules often misleads people to think he was greek."

"O-oh," Ojiro and Rui blinked at her, both definitely having fallen victim to just that.

"But the point is," She said, "Heracles told me that he and the others possess you when you sleep."

"Like ghosts?!" The ravenette screeched.

"...Probably, but they are divine beings, so that probably isn't the best way to think about it," Yaoyorozu sweatdropped before the alarms suddenly went off.

"Warning," An automated voice sounded as lights flashed. "Level three security breach. All students, please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. I repeat--" It went on as Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Rui all stood from their seats.

"Let's talk later!"

"Yeah!" They all agreed as they hurried into the corridor, only to be almost instantly seperated by the pushing and shoving of the crowd. Kai would make me burn these clothes if he knew how many people I've bumped into, Rui thought to himself with a grimace, then a wince as someone elbowed him.

And then someone was whirling through the air, smacking right above to the exit sign. Banging once on the metal pipe, Tenya yelled out, "LISTEN UP, EVERYTHING IS OKAY! IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!" He told the cramped corridor. "Everything's fine! We're UA students, we need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best!"

"Look, the police are here!" Someone else called as the tell-tail police sirens were heard. Everyone let out sighs of relief as their tension and worry left them, and soon the day went back to normal.

"Yasuda!" Ojiro called as he finally found Rui, who had been pushed into a wall at some point. "Are you okay man?"

"Haha, yeah I'm just fine," He chuckled, patting his side. "Somebody nailed me pretty good, but it'll probably just leave a bruise."

"It must still hurt, you should go see Recovery Girl to be sure," He said before offering, "I can walk you there if you want."

"Sure, that's a good idea," Rui nodded, so after finding Yaoyorozu and explaining the situation, Ojiro and Rui made their way to the nurse's office.

"You'll be fine," Recovery Girl assured him after giving him a look over. "Just some light bruising, as long as you put some ice on it, it should go away within a day or two."

"Thank you very much," Rui bowed respectfully, and the medical hero just hummed and shooed them back to class. By the time they got back, it was just about time to resume.

"It's time class rep, let's begin," Yaoyorozu told Midoriya, who was once again shaking as they both stood at the front by the podium.

"Um, okay so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be," He looked down. "But first, there's something I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this, and I think that Iida Tenya should be our class rep!" He squeezed his eyes closed for a second before opening them again with a smile. "He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe that he should be the class rep from now on."

"Yeah you know what?" Kirishima agreed with a relaxed smile, "If Midoriya vouches for him, then I'm good. Plus he was a big help, he totally manned up and took charge right?"

"Yep. Hey, did you notice he looked like the guy on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?" Kaminari pointed out.

"This is a waste of time." Aizawa grumbled, causing Midoriya to shriek from the sudden appearance of the guy sitting up while still in his sleeping bag. Must've taken some core strength for that, Rui thought to himself with a bit of a smile. "I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up."

"If Midoriya is nominating me for this job," Tenya stood up from his seat. "Then I humbly accept! I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

"Sounds good emergency exit," Kirishima gave him a thumbs up and a grin.

"Emergency exit Iida," Kaminari snickered. "Don't let us down, man!"

"But I got one more vote than him," Yaoyorozu sulked quietly, but that was that. The rest of the day passed, and when Rui got home, he put his plan into action.

Overhaul had smelled it the second the boy had come into the office, and was therefore not impressed. Thus, the brunette immediately demanded to bathe Rui himself, so sadly for the ravenette, he almost got his guardian's whole fist up his ass to make sure he was clean, inside and out. Not to self, Rui thought as he cuddled with Kai, never do that again.

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