"Shit!" Ares paced. In Olympus, the gods were in a frenzie. They wanted to help Rui and his classmates get out of the situation they were in, but they couldn't possess Rui's body. They could only do so when the boy consented, or in other words, activated his quirk. Being knocked out did not count as consent, and so even though he could be seen as sleeping, none of the gods could possess him.
It was taboo to go down to earth, meaning any of the gods that did it without a vessel would be zapped of their powers and put into hibernation as punishment. None of them wanted to risk that, not like Paean had. The physician of the gods had once broken the taboo to go heal Rui after an incident, and Paean hadn't been heard from since.
Thus, all of the gods and goddesses watched as Aizawa was bashed and bruised, as All Might came to try and save the day, but barely escaped dying himself. The only time they all finally breathed a sigh of relief was when Tomura and Kurogiri were forced to retreat without Rui, who had been saved by Todoroki with his ice.
Eros watched the two-toned boy with narrowed gaze, the boy's eyes showing an almost contempt for the ravenette. If he victim-blames him, the god of love felt his anger fester, I won't just stand still.
And then the whole ordeal was over, everyone safe and sound as the other teachers had finally arrived and taken care of things. Rui was taken with Midoriya, who had sustained some pretty extensive injuries thanks to his quirk again, back to the school where Recovery Girl awaited them.
"Waa!" Rui shot awake a while later, eyes darting around.
"It's alright now, Yasuda," The nurse smiled at him from her desk. "You're quite lucky, young man. If you had come any later, you might not have made it."
"What?" The boy asked, then winced and reached up to the back of his neck, which was in a brace.
"You must've been caught off guard," Recovery Girl surmised with a sad smile. "A blow to the neck can be serious, and for you, it almost was. Luckily, I was able to treat you before you were paralyzed."
"P-" Rui's jaw dropped. "Paralyzed?"
"Yes," Recovery girl shook her head. "It's often seen in movies, knocking someone out with a chop to the neck, but that is very dangerous. Now, as for aftercare," The nurse trotted over to her desk and soon presented the boy with some written instructions. "Follow that precisely and you'll be fine. Come see me every once in a while so I can heal you up more, okay?"
"Yes ma'am," The ravenette bowed, being unable to nod from the device around his neck. Then he froze, his eyes darting to the clock. Then he sighed, seeing that it wasn't too late and that he could still make it back to the compound on time.
"You're free to go, Yasuda," Recovery Girl told him with a smile. "Be careful on your way back."
"Will do, thank you very much," Rui smiled back, getting up off of the cot and making his way out of the nurse's office. The first thing he did was go and change out of his hero costume, putting his uniform back on. Then he went to collect his bag from the classroom.
Everyone else had already gone home from what he could see, but he did notice Midoriya's things were still where they had been when they had left for the training. Sighing as he hauled his bag over his shoulder, Rui left the classroom and made his way outside. "Rui!"
"Wha--" Rui whipped to face the voice, instantly regretting that as his neck ached to remind him to not do that. "Tenya! Uraraka," He addressed with surprise as the two came over. "What are you guys still doing here?"
"We were waiting for you and Midoriya," Tenya supplied. "Are you alright? Your neck.."
"Oh, it's fine," The boy gingerly reached up to pat the brace. "It's just a precaution, I'm okay. I'm not sure about Midoriya, though, sorry," He smiled slightly.
"Not to worry!" Tenya did his robot arms, drawing a chuckle from the ravenette.
"Well I'd better get going. I'll see you guys later, so get home safe," He told them, both nodding in return. Thus, Rui walked off campus and b-lined for the station. After that, getting back to the Hassaikai was a cinch, and he did as he usually did. Washing himself off after having wrapped the brace in a water proof bag, Rui soon changed and made his way to Overhaul's office.
The moment he stepped inside, Kai was in front of him. "Are you okay?"
"Uh-y-yeah," The boy said, blinking as he looked up at his guardian, who seemed very distraught. "Recovery Girl healed me the best she could without draining all my energy, so it still hurts a bit, but overall I'm fine," He smiled, giving the young head a thumbs up. Suddenly, Kai's hand was over his face, causing the boy to flinch.
Not even a second later, his neck no longer hurt. "There," Overhaul breathed. "Now take that hideous thing off, you don't need it anymore."
"O-oh," Rui's eyebrows were high as the sky as he slowly did as told and took the neck brace off. He hadn't expected Kai to use his quirk on him, he was still getting used to the fact that Overhaul didn't see him as dirty. Plus, he hadn't ever actually used his quirk on him before, so it was a surprise all around. "Thank you, Kai," He beamed, causing the young head to roll his eyes and ruffle Rui's hair.
"I'm glad you're back."
After that, Overhaul sent Rui off to their room to get some rest. Seeing on the news how UA's class 1A was attacked by villains had almost given the man a heart attack. When Rui had gotten back, Kai had honestly wanted to tell him to quit UA and stay away from heroes and villains, deep in the underground levels of the hassaikai where he was safe.
But he knew Rui would be miserable if he had demanded that of him. So, Kai had kept it to himself, healed Rui and told him he was glad he was back. He was glad he was back, because at least in the Hassaikai, Overhaul could keep an eye on him and make sure he stayed safe and unharmed.

𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥
Fanfiction[вηнα x мαℓє σƈ] He just wants to sleep, eat, play, repeat. However, life has a funny way of dragging everyone out of bed into the world around them. Chance meetings, enrollment, camaraderie, misunderstandings, and so much more are in store for our...