20 - lost memories

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(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner)


"Da... dame desu ne(1)," Japan stuttered.

He was holding the photo frame, everyone peering from behind his shoulders trying to see it too.

On it was a small child with (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes, smiling widely. On either side of her was who appeared to be her mother and father, also smiling. But there was something wrong with the picture.

Someone had sinisterly drawn x's over the parents' eyes in dark red marker.

"Holy shit," America said. "Who the hell did that? It wasn't you, right, dude?"

You shook your head sadly and gestured for Italy to explain.

"She found it that way." Italy had a comforting arm around your shoulders. "But it doesn't make any sense because the monster can't get into her room- the opening's too small..."

"So who else could've done it?" pressed France.

"Someone not too big or broad. A person with a medium or small frame." Italy frowned.

"Who would do such a thing..." Canada said in a whisper. England was patting his cheek, trying to think of a logical explanation.

"There are no other entrance to your room?" He asked you seriously.

You shook your head slowly. None.

"And this was done only after they died," Italy added, looking down at you sorrowfully. "So it was done by intention."

Everyone stood in silence, contemplating the situation.

"This is strange, but we can't draw any conclusions now. And unfortunately, there are more pressing things to worry about," Germany said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I suggest we take some time to think about this when we're more able to."

Thats true, you thought and nodded in agreement. Then you remembered something. "Have.... something."

"You brought something?" Prussia asked, cocking his head to the side. "Like what?"

You knelt down and with a loud clatter, dumped everything out of your bag onto the floor.

Along with the supplies Canada and you had packed, you had grabbed some extra clothes for you, matches, a flashlight, hair ties, rubber bands, some gentle soap, and an old camera.

America gasped and rushed to pick up the camera. "Oh. My. Gosh. I haven't seen one of these in a long time!"


"It's a super old American model. It prints pictures right away. Is there still film inside it?"


"Ho-ly shiiiiit." America breathed, his eyes still wide. "Wow, I feel so nostalgic."

"Wait, America. How old is that camera exactly?" England asked, an odd note in his tone.

"Um... lemme think..." He squinted and tilted his head to the side, looking at it closely. "1940's, I think."

"Wow, it has been a minute!" Spain exclaimed. "How did it get here? And it looks like it's in pretty good shape."


Ow, my throat. I better stop speaking for now.

"It was just found randomly in the mansion? Is that what took your family picture, chica(2)?"

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