Chapter 3

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Adora should be back any minute. Or at least I hope so. I'm so bored, there is nothing to do in this entire castle!

I guess I will organize Adora and I's shared closet. I think she'll be happy to come home to a clean room.

I start putting clothes away in drawers and folding them. The middle drawer seems to be stuck though.

I pull on the drawer as hard as I can but I think it's jammed.

I grab the handles and tug again, I get it opened just a tiny bit. I peek through the small opening to see what is jamming the drawer.

What the hell?

There's a lot of money in there. Is Adora rich? Why would she even-

The door swings open. It's Adora.

"I'm bac-"

She sees me in the closet, standing there like a fool. Oh, this doesn't look good.

"Why are you snooping through my things?!"

She runs over and closes the drawer as fast as she can.

I just stare at her. I have so many questions. How does she have money? And why is she hiding it?

"What is going on with you?" I demand.

She looks so anxious, she's sweating. I know she's been acting weird lately but I haven't seen her like this.

I feel like I don't even know her anymore. She's keeping way too many secrets from me.

"Nothing is going on, okay?"

Ugh, she can never just answer my questions. Something clearly is going on. Why isn't she telling me?

Whatever. If she's going to be like this then I'm leaving. I'll just go find some place else to live for now on.

There's a thud on our bedroom window.

Adora walks over to see what it is and I follow her.

It's a seagull.

Adora opens the window to let it in. It's holding a bottle with a note in its talons.

She opens the bottle and reads the note.

"Oh! It's an invitation from Mermista. She wants us to come have dinner with her tonight."

Usually, I'd be annoyed, but today I'm grateful for the invitation. I'm so ready to leave this boring castle and talk to other people.

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