Into the Night

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Lily sat cross-legged at the circle's edge as the coven did its work. Each approached the fire, chanting in soft musical voices, adding various materials to the flames. Lily tried to be impartial to the process, but curiosity got the best of her. She peered at Sam, seated quietly beside her, and gently kicked his foot with her shoe.

"Hey, are they doing?"

"They are priming the fire." He whispered. "Tonight, they call upon the spirit of the Wild Hunt. He is an ancient gifted one who can foresee the future. His spirit will present knowledge to aid us."

"Okay, I have a question," Lily asked. "If there are spirits, why couldn't you talk to me when I died?"

"I know a lot less than you think," Sam answered. "Not every soul becomes a ghost, and those who communicate do so very cryptically. The disembodied are at odds with the living. Most souls choose to disappear into another astral plane, and I assumed you did as well."

"You mean some spirits go to heaven or hell?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't know where they go. Not even the most powerful witch can tell you."

"But didn't you come from heaven?"

"Lily, I don't remember any of it."

"When I was sent here, I was given my orders through visions." He stared into the fire, deep in thought. "But I don't remember what came before; it was like I was programmed."

"Then you met me, and I created a flaw in the matrix."

"Something like that." He affirmed. "You were something unexpected, beyond their control."

Lily reached over and gingerly took his hand. He regarded her with slight surprise at the unexpectedly sentimental gesture.

"It must be scary for you. Not knowing your family, not knowing who you are."

"I didn't feel any fear at first." He tightened his fingers around hers. "But when I kissed you the first time, I was overwhelmed by new emotions: love, lust, empathy. I don't think the heavens realized how powerful these feelings could be. For the first time, I felt doubt in my mission. I mistrusted my visions.

"The visions-" Lily questioned. " Do they still show you the truth?

"They do." He conceded. "But lately, I've been seeing things I don't understand. When we were in New Orleans, and we saved that young girl, I saw someone else. It was a woman with dark hair; Adam was attacking her. It wasn't clear; it was like static. It was like her connection was blocked. I only saw her because I was so high on ketamine."

"Was she like Rose?" Lily was taken aback. "Another victim with the gift?"

"She was in trouble, that's certain. But this girl was very powerful; I could feel it. If she had the gift, I should have sensed her long ago. When a person is gifted and their powers awaken, I can instantly find them. We have a blood bond; their magical powers are like a magnet to me. Yet, this girl has no established connection, and I've never experienced that before."

"Have you talked to--" She gestured to the witches. "--Them about it?"

"No." He replied. "I don't want to worry them or, even worse, have them lose confidence in me. That's why I'm here tonight. I'm hoping to find some answers, some clarity."

"I understand." She nodded. "How will they summon the spirit of the Wild Hunt?"

"The spirit's name is Wodan. He appreciates offerings like wine, milk, holy water and purified soil." He murmured. "Sex works too, but it's not ideal for a public conjuring. Despite tall tales by some pervy clergymen, we don't engage in orgies.

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