Chapter I - Ideals for true happiness

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"IN PURSUIT of heavenly steps, I crave her,"
the priest murmurs, his eyes locked on a photograph of a woman.

"This Angel is essential for my plan."

The priest consistently caught glimpses of her, be it in dreams or from the periphery of his vision. He was convinced she was a celestial being sent to assist him on his journey to attain heaven.

Yet, he acknowledged her ties to the Joestars. Despite this, it wouldn't sway his perception of her as an angelic presence in his mission.

Disrupting his contemplation, a guard and a woman enter his chapel room. "Here's the girl you asked for, Father. Prisoner FE40932."

"Ah— come in, come in.."


"Thank you. You may leave now."

The guard exits, leaving Phoebe standing, her eyes fixed on the priest.

"So, Phoebe is it? Take a seat."

She sits, surveying the peculiar decor.

"It says here you were implicated in a murder?"

"Yes. Though, it's not necessarily true. Hopefully I get out soon."

The priest chuckles, "I'm sorry to hear that. May the Lord be with you, Phoebe."

Clearing his throat, he tries to start a conversation. "Phoebe, what are your thoughts on the concept of heaven?"

"Let's see where she stands," he pondered. "Does she even grasp the knowledge of her own divine presence?"

Pucci nudged the bowl of fruit toward her, and she delicately picked up a cherry, savoring it slowly.

"Heaven? Ah, the notion is interesting to think on. Pray, Father, why do you ask?"

"Heaven, Phoebe, is the greatest blessing bestowed upon any living being. It's an eternal paradise free from suffering and uncertainty—a true Heaven on Earth."

Pucci smiled gently, observing as her hand reached for the cross around her neck.

"That sounds nice, yes?"

"I suppose so. But how on earth would that be possible?" She inquired.

"Still, I concur; it sounds appealing. Yet, altering this would upset the delicate balance of the entire world. I believe the world is meant to be as it is—no need to tamper with fate."

"Lord DIO, are you witnessing this? Your messenger holds a perplexing perspective on heaven. Not quite what I anticipated..."

He yearned to reach out and communicate that she was mistaken.

Why did she insist that fate remain unaltered? Should the world be condemned to a path of destruction simply because she resisted change? Did she not hold faith in the possibility of genuine happiness?

Taking a deep breath, he calms down, counting prime numbers. 

"Hmm, I understand your perspective, Phoebe. However, if we had a chance to attain heaven, every living thing would have absolute certainty of their fate. In this new world, there would be no worry, fear, or pain—only absolute peace. True happiness could be yours."

She looks down, deep in thought.

"True happiness is something that can only be achieved by accepting your life for what it is. Embracing your flaws, mistakes, and regrets can lead to inner peace. It's found in accepting life's challenges and embracing them, no matter what," she states with conviction.

"Another example is Buddhism," she continues, "which teaches that life is filled with suffering, and to attain nirvana, one must find inner peace and harmony with the mind. This, too, can be viewed as a path to true happiness."

Pucci hums.

"But, my dear, I assumed you were Catholic. A nun? Was I wrong to ask for your presence here..?"

"I am. But I have my own beliefs on individual matters."

"Ive never thought about it that way. I suppose you're right in some way, Phoebe."

She chuckles lightly, "Perhaps. It was a pleasant conversation, Father. I should take my leave now." She rises and exits, a soft expression on her face.

The priest takes a sip of his drink.

"Welcome to Dolphin Street Prison, Phoebe. It's good to have another messenger of God among us."

Once she fully left, Pucci was left to silently brood, his mind full of perversion on his plan to heaven.

"Hmm. It appears she doesn't share my point of view. This could be troublesome. I'll address it later." He sits in contemplation before his eyes widen, realizing his mistake.

"I can't allow her to meet Jolyne Cujoh..."

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