Chapter V- Debt

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"Hey, do you think you could lend me some change? I'll pay you back when I get back to my cell, I just need a dollar 'cause I haven't talked to my family in a while."

Currently, Phoebe was waiting in line with Jolyne so Jolyne could make a call, presumably to her mom. Phoebe also needed to call the speedwagon foundation as she shouldn't even be in prison to begin with.

Jolyne shrugs, taking out four quarters from her pocket. "Here."

The  blonde girls smiles, "Thanks! You're totally my hero."

Another woman walks out from the phone booth letting jolyne finally make her call. Another lady pushes the girl out of the way.

"The hell was that for?!"

"Can't you see there's a line here?" The woman yells back at Jolyne. She scoffs, "Yeah, I've been waiting for her to finish that ridiculously long phone call! Your the one that wasn't in line."

The woman glares back at Jolyne. "Dumbass, you must be new here. You have to make reservations to get a call."

Jolyne's eyes widen. "So? That's news to me." Phoebe nods, agreeing.

"Well, remember it next time. The wait is usually a month long."

"Wait, seriously!?" Jolyne screeches. "A phone call is only a few minutes long!"

The woman sighs obviously annoyed. "That's just how it is around here. You better get used to it."

Another prisoner walks up to the woman, holding some money. "Hey, could I have your place in line?" The woman smirks, taking the twenty dollars.

She looks back at Jolyne. "That's just how it works around here, honey."

Jolyne walks off, Phoebe trailing behind her. "I'm sorry, Jolyne. I would like to take a phone call as well."

The Cujoh sighs. "I just really wanted to here my mom's voice again."

Another voice suddenly speaks up. "~Phoebe~! ~Jolyne~!" Gwess smirks at the pair. "How you doing cellie?"

Jolyne grimaces. "Get the hell away from me and Phoebe!"

"C'mon, you can't possibly hate me forever. I'm only here to warn you." Phoebe looks at Gwess confused. "Hm?"

"You gave money to that blonde girl, right? Make sure she returns it, right now Jolyne. Something bad will happen if you don't get your money back."

Jolyne waves off Gwess. "Huh? I'm gonna have her return it, it's fine Gwess."

"Listen! It's not just a dollar, Jolyne! You could get killed!"

Phoebe scrunches her nose. "Um.."

"One thing you need to know is that lending and borrowing money with other prisoners is a absolute no-no. What do you think it's going to happen when you aren't able to get that dollar back?"

Gwess points to another prisoner, watching as her back is against at pillar. Another prisoner is talking to her with aggressive moments.

"You'll become like her Jolyne." The one leaning on the pillar gets slapped, the other prisoner taking her money and leaving.

"Everyone's going to know that Jolyne Cujoh isn't able to get the dollar she lent out back. Everyone is going to think you're weak. They come back for more, Jolyne.."

"Gwess, you're over exaggerating. There's no way that's going to happen just because I lent someone a dollar. I'm going to just get it right back, Gwess.

Phoebe grabs Jolyne's shoulder, "I think you should trust Gwess Jolyne. I know you don't trust her after what she did, but.. She seems to know what she's talking about." Jolyne's eyes soften.

".... Ah, alright Gwess. Where that blonde girl even go?" Phoebe points up stairs at the cell block, watching her walk around.

"Yep, she's right there. And it doesn't look like she cares about paying that debt back. You better hurry up, Cujoh. Everything I've said has been for your sake."

She sighs. "Alright. Let's go Phoebe."

"Okay Jolyne. By the way it looks like she's heading for the reading room, lets go there Jolyne." The white haired girl looks at Jolyne again, staring directly at her.

"Say Jolyne, do you mind if I call you Jojo? I feel like it fits you." Jolyne laughs. "Jojo? I mean sure I guess. Didn't think you were a nickname type person."

"Well, let's just say Ermes has been a bit of a influence recently."

"Ah, right. Well, lead the way PB. "

"Hey, that nickname is reserved for Ermes only Jolyne."

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