Chapter X- We're Together

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Using her stand, Phoebe shoots a few arrows at her father in a attempt to wake him. He jolts up, groaning. "Phoebe? Was that.. All a dream?"

She nods. "Yes! We need to get out of here before we fully melt and die. Use silver chariot to open the door!"

"Silver Chariot! Secret technique!"

The rapier shoots out, hitting the door panel and opening it. "We need to leave and get to Jolyne and Mr. Kujo. Lets need to find a way to move and get outside of this room.."

He grunts. "But how? You have a plan?"  She shakes her head. "Im not sure on what to do.. If they want me for their plan, why are they killing me in the process..?"

"I'm not sure, they must have some sort of plan laid out. Hm.."

Phoebe looks at her stand, staring at in intensely. "Well, shit. Im going to have to use my hidden ability right now, aren't I?"

Polnareff's eyes widen. "You mean...? Would that even work? I'm still confused on how it works." Phoebe nods. "Yes, it would work. I hardly use it though, because it hurts my body after I use it and makes me sore."

She looks back over to the door, a smile growing on her face. "Looks like we don't need the extra effort. Jolyne and Mr. kujo are here."

"Good, the two of you are already awake. Let me get you out of there..." Jolyne takes out her stand and uses her thread to pull the two  out.

She takes out the bone from earlier, showing it to Jotaro and Polnareff. "Do you two know what this is? It's actually what woke me up."

The two men inspect it. Polnareff's nose scrunches. "That's... A human bone. A pelvis?"

Jotaro nods. "Yeah, it's a part of a pelvis, called a sacrum, from an adult female. Based on the surface condition, it seems to have been dissolved by some kind of acid."

"Dissolved, huh? You mean.." He shrugs. "Probably. I have no clue why you're carrying something like that around, but that doesn't matter right now."

The alarms start beeping, and a voice starts to play from a speaker above. "Code 909, security level four. Abnormality detected outside the visiting rooms." The voice repeats itself.

The group backs against the wall, planning on what to do next. Phoebe looks over at the two men. "What are you two going to do? Because once we all lefts those rooms, you both became wanted criminals."

Polnareff grabs Phoebe's hand, squeezing it. "We're getting you both out of here, la fille. We'll be fine."

Jotaro nods, looking over at his daughter. "You have it, right? The pendant?" She takes it out of her pocket, showing it to Jotaro. "Mhm. Right here."

"Make sure not to lose it, Jolyne. That's more important than it looks." He turns around.

"Now then, break out time."

He walks off, leading the way as the others follow him. They run off, not noticing the ominous appearance behind them, besides Phoebe who felt the presence yet ignored it.

The presence shifts his hand to the side, looking at the group wandering off.

"I never would've guessed they would have escaped my trap. No matter.. The girl is mine."

With the group, they hide behind a wall for cover watching the police officers run by.

"Not many guards. What's that about?" Jolyne peers over.

Jotaro gives a brief run down. "This is a semi-public area. By anyways..." He takes out a map of the prison.

"Our goal is a window at the Western Wall. The window faces out to the shore, and from there we'll escape to the outside world via submarine."

Phoebe giggles, looking over at the two men. "A submarine? Père, I thought you were deathly scared of submarines?" The man shudders, "I am! Ever since that incident with that stand user years ago, I haven't even dared to go near them! It was Jotaro's idea."

"Yare yare, no time for small talk now. We need to get going."

Jotaro walks over, peeking behind a wall looking for anyone. Phoebe notices a shadow at the corner of her eye, making her quite startled. Jotaro speaks up again.

"I'm not noticing any cameras in this hallway. The window is just down the junction here to the left. From the window to the short is just about under 20 meters. Now, let's get going."

Jotaro punches the control box opening the gate. "Ora!"

He walks off, Polnareff following behind him. Jolyne turns around looking at Phoebe. "Are you okay? You seem distracted." She shakes her head, "Eh? Yeah, I'm fine. Just looking at something is all..."

Phoebe goes down the stairs tripping in the process. Jolyne attempts to catch her but misses, only pushing her down more. "Ouch!"

Jotaro sticks his hand out for Phoebe. "Are you alright? Don't be in a rush. Here, grab my hand."

She stares at his hand, before Polnareff pushes Jotaro out of the way. "Don't touch my little girl, Jotaro! Can't you she sees hurt?" He picks her up, helping her regain her composure.

Jotaro scoffs. "I was only trying to help." She nods, looking embarrassed. "Heh, sorry Mr. Kujo. But thank you, I'm just a bit clumsy is all."

Jolyne raises her eyebrow. "Clumsy? Jesus, you must've been really distracted if you out of all people are clumsy today." Phoebe shrugs, flustered. "Well, anyways..." Phoebe looks behind her, feeling the presence yet again.

Jotaro notices this. "Hm. You've noticed it too, Phoebe? Something has been following us, quietly."

Phoebe nods. "Yes! Everyone, get down.. "

The all hide taking cover from there stalker. A guard walks over, taking a look at the gate. "Nothing here.. The prisoners must've gone the other way."

Another officer comes up, looking at the gate. "No way! Someone forced themselves through this gate. They're over here-"

Suddenly the guard gets shot in the head by the other one. He walks over, moving the gate.

Phoebe looks over, shocked. Looking closer, she notices something off..

"Wait a minute. Is that..?" Standing before the group, is none other than Johngalli.

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