Chapter IX- Angel's Promise

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Phoebe's eye widen. "Huh? Mr. Kujo, do you not remember the boy with the baseball outfit?"

"I don't understand what your asking, kid."

"I- what?" Jolyne sputters, "The kid I was talking to, in the visiting room. Johngalli was even trying to kill him for getting in his way."

Jotaro looks at jolyne, confused. "Kill him? Seriously, I don't know what the two of you are taking about. Do you, Polnareff?"

He shakes his head. "Well, I can't say I do." The white haired girl sighs, "You too?"

Jotaro's eyes darken. "You two came all the way down to this room on your own. That's why me and Polnareff followed you down."

"Hang on, this doesn't make any sense. You should've heard the boys voice at least.. There's no way you wouldn't have heard him!"

Phoebe nods. "I agree. He was the one that told us about this secret passage too. What's going on?"

Polnareff looks around, looking for a answer to, well, anything. "Did you hear a ghost talking, Jolyne? We never heard anything about secret passage ways."

Jolyne loses her composure, looking angrily at her father. . "Dammit it old man! Are you two trying to mess with my head? Even Phoebe saw him! You came down here from the secret passage way too!"

Phoebe looks closer at the two, squinting her eyes at them. "Wait a second Jolyne. Something here seems off. You see it too, don't you? Your fathers bullet wound, it's gone."

She looks back at Jolyne. "You too Jolyne. When the bullet hit you earlier, it's gone. No blood. And that man on the ground.. "

Jolyne rolls over the body, gasping. "That isn't Johngalli! That's the guard from earlier! I thought he was shot in the visiting room!"

Phoebe kneels down. "No wound..." Jotaro steps closer. "What gunshots are you talking about? And who in the devil is this  'Johngalli?'"

"Jolyne, your fingers..." Phoebe watches as a chrome ooze seeps from her hand. "And mine too!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Jolyne, they're melting!"

The sight of watching your own father melt isn't necessarily a pretty one. But they had better things to worry about.

"Jolyne, when that boy said to not go to the visiting rooms. We should've listened, maybe. Because the rooms.. They were weird from the beginning. You noticed it too, didn't you? Your hand cuffs disappeared, so did mine. "

Jolyne swallows nervously. "Phoebe, I-"

The French girl watches as Jolyne melts into the ground, along with their fathers. The walls start to melt, making the girl move forward in shock.

"None of this is real.. Who would've known I would be the victim of harsh hallucinations one day.."

She looks down, watching herself melt just like all of the others. Closing her eyes, she accepts her fate...


"A dream? I was dreaming?" Phoebe lays her head on the table, watching as the room before her melts away, the chrome goo trips down every thing in sight.

"All of what papa told me.. It's all real? So then, I started to dream about all of it. The stand, everything.. The boy was right, this room.. It's a try. We truly did walk into the belly of the beast. Now, we are melting away."

She closes her eyes, takings deep breath. But how, how did I wake up from that nightmare.. I should've died.."

She looks over beside her, looking at her stand, not affected by the ooze. One of its arrow sits in her skin, making her blood drip to the floor.

"Shit, père... " She moves over, trying to use her stand to shoot a arrow at him to wake him up.

"Agh.. I can't die, not yet. Père, Jolyne, Mr. Kujo, mama.. I'm going to live for you all."

𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙏𝙔 - 𝙀𝙉𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙊 𝙋𝙐𝘾𝘾𝙄 ✝︎Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat