Chapter VI- The Warning

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"Sir, I'm afraid the girl has already met Jolyne Cujoh."

Looking agitated, Pucci slams his desk with rage. "I knew this would happen. I should've done something sooner, but I wasn't thinking."

Counting prime numbers, he looks at the stand user across from him.

"You can do something about this, can't you? It's in the name of God, after all. You'll get a fine reward for it, I promise you."

Heading into the reading room, Jolyne looks around momentarily before spotting the blonde haired girl relaxing while reading a book.

Jolyne walks up to her, Phoebe following behind. "Hey, you got a minute?" She nods. "Sure, this book could wait. Have you read it?" Jolyne shakes her head no.

"Anyways, about that change earlier. You still owe me a dollar."

The girl smiles. "Of course! I didn't forget. I'll get it back to you later, 'k?"

"You said you'd go back to your cell and get the money."

Suddenly, the girl grabs jolyne's collar lifting her up to her face. "Enough already! Don't you ever shut up? I said I'd give it to you later, I don't have it right now you tightwad!"

She pats jolyne's shoulder. "By the way, while your here do you think you could lend me another ten dollars? Then, I promise I'll pay it back. Why don't you give it to me?"

Phoebe watches as jolyne's string comes out, dropping the dust of a crushed up quarter into her her drink. She walks off, going into the bathroom. Phoebe glares at the blonde girl.

"H-huh? Ow.. My stomach, it hurts!" She rushes to the bathroom, banging on the door. "Bun girl! Let me in, please! Hurry up and get out!"

She cries in pain. "Okay, I'll give the dollar back, please! I have a dollar!"

She hears a muffled voice from the bathroom. "Oh? Didn't you say you'd get it later? No rush, take your time."

She bends over, clutching her stomach. "Okay! I'll pay you! Five, no ten dollars!"

Jolyne swings the door open, knocking over the girl. "It's a deal! Sorry, but that'll be ten dollars."

Jolyne snags the money, letting the girl in. Phoebe hears her muffled yelling from inside the bathroom.

The girl smugly walks over toward Phoebe, holding her ten bucks proudly. She pauses, then looks over at the girl that was slapped earlier that day.

"Hey, you. It's your turn after that blonde girl. Once your in there someone else will want to you. Now it's up to you to get the money back that was taken from you."

She finally walks over to Phoebe. The French girl grins. "Nice one Jojo. The look on that girls face was hilarious. Now you have a extra nine dollars to spend."

"I know, right? Anyways, let's get going." The two girls walk back over to the gate.

"Prisoner numbers FE40536 and FE40932. We're ready to leave, officers."

The dark mysteriousness makes Phoebe suspicious, a odd feeling flooding in her as the hairs on her neck stand up. "Jolyne, it feels like something bad is about to happen."

A baseball rolls out from behind the shadows of the hallway. A little boy is seen reaching out for the ball startling the duo.

Jolyne grabs onto the bars, looking over to where the boy ran to. "H-huh? A kid?"

Phoebe looks over at the other side, looking at the child in the baseball unifrom. "Jolyne, look..."

"At noon tomorrow, a visitor will be coming to see you." He says.

"But you must not meet them. No matter what, you cannot go to the visiting rooms."

"But you must not meet them. If you go, you two are not the only ones who are going to be affected: something even more unfortunate than death will occur."


The boy disappears, leaving Jolyne and Phoebe shocked.

"Phoebe... Who was that? Why is there a child in here?"

"I don't know, Jolyne. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hey! Did you two hear me? I said stay back from the bars!" A officer yells at the two.

Phoebe pulls Jolyne back, not wanting her to get hurt. "Officer, pl-" Phoebe cuts Jolyne off.

"Sorry officer. My friend here thought she dropped something." She looks towards Jolyne and puts her finger over her mouth shushing her.

"Whatever, Just leave already." The gate opens, letting go both girls out. "God, Phoebe. What the hell was that back there?"

"Jojo- no, Jolyne. I have a really bad feeling about all of this. But I have a idea on who is going to visit you."

"Huh, who?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Your father. It's what makes the most sense. He gave you that stand arrow on purpose. Now, he's probably visiting you to clarify on why he did that, his reasoning to his actions. That kid... I don't know if it's true, but let's try to avoid that as much as we can."

Jolyne nods. "Alright. It's just, my father? I never see him.. I don't know how I'll feel about him suddenly visiting me. I mean, he didn't give a damn about me going go jail in the first place!"

Phoebe frowns, pulling Jolyne in a hug. She notices the girl tear up.

"Listen Jojo. I know how it feels. My father.. He wasn't necessarily around all the time either. But I promise you, he does care. He wouldn't have given you that stand arrow if he didn't. He gave it to you to protect you. He loves you Jolyne. He's been keeping secrets, but it was for your safety."

She wipes her tears, laughing softly.

"I suppose that's true. It's just... Living without my old man being a actual dad has taken a toll on me. Finding out that my dad was trying to protect me this whole time from you, it's hard to process. It's so hard, Phoebe."

Phoebe smiles gently. "I get it, I really do. But no matter what, you'll always have your dad. Never forget that. It took me a while to find that out too, and I agree it is hard. But it's more than the truth. My père is the most loving person I know."

Jolyne looks over, noticing they had already made it to her cell. "Hm, Phoebe. You never told me your fathers name."

"Oh, I haven't? My father... Is Jean Pierre Polnareff."

"Ah, I forgot your French. Damn, your english is flawless. So Phoebe Polnareff, huh?"

𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙏𝙔 - 𝙀𝙉𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙊 𝙋𝙐𝘾𝘾𝙄 ✝︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora