Chapter XII- For Now and Forever

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Phoebe slowly nods at her father, stumbling over to Jolyne as her legs were shaking. Johngalli shoots again, but Jolyne changes the bullets direction with her thread.

Johngalli stands in shock, looking down at the thread in his gun. "This thread is.. When did it-?"

He rips the thread apart, aiming for the two girls once more. "I've got you!"

Jolyne takes her thread and wraps it around Johngalli's legs, spinning him around and making him miss his shots.

"Be quiet. We're going to go to the shore and make our great escape, so don't interfere. Got it?"

Johngalli raises his hands in the air. "Alright. I'll drop the gun."

Jolyne spins him around, punching him in the face. "Stone Ocean!"


Phoebe looks back over to her father, watching his blood slide down the wall. "Phoebe-"

He coughs blood up and slides down against the wall. Jotaro does the same, letting Jolyne rush to his side. "Old man!"

Phoebe reaches her hand towards her father. "Père... Wake up, please. You said you'd protect me."

Jolyne shakes her father. "Dad, dad! We're almost at the shore, wake up!"

Phoebe grabs Jolyne's shoulder. "We're going to have to grab them and bring them to the shore ourselves. Come on Jojo.. We can't be weak."

Jolyne wraps her dad with her thread, and Phoebe picks up Polnareff. She carries her father with him the front, his head resting on her arm.

"Jolyne, let's go. Before the guards come."

They make there way outside of the prison, with Jolyne dragging her dad over towards the shore.

"We're almost to the shore.. Come on," she huffs. "Phoebe, the Speed wagon foundation has the submarine? So that must mean they have money and technology right?"

"Yes, " she replies. "They'll be able to fix both of our fathers bullet wounds."

They make it to the shore, looking for the submarine. "Where is it Phoebe?" She points towards the large amount of bubbles forming in the water.

The submarine lifts up, ready for use. "So they were waiting for us.."

Phoebe looks back at Jotaro, watching him bleed out in the water lifeless. Jolyne starts freaking out.

"What the hell are you doing?! Wake up! Come on!" She starts pounding on his chest. "Your heart.. It stopped beating! The bullet wound is shallow, it shouldn't be fatal!"

Phoebe sets Polnareff down. "Jolyne.. There no use." Jolyne screams in terror. "This can't be happening.."

Phoebe's eyes go back to her own father, staring at his own lifeless body, his eyes now dull.

"We.. We need to put them in the submarine. They still might be able to help Jolyne."

She nods, shaking. "Y-yeah.. Okay.." They open the top together, and the members of the Speed wagon foundation look up at them. "Where's Mr. Kujo? Is he okay?"

Phoebe shakes her head no. "Both Jotaro and Polnareff have been shot. There bodies are lifeless.. Please, try to help them."

Their eyes widen. "You mean..? A-alright. Are you two going to come with?" Phoebe looks at Jolyne, waiting for an answer.

"No. Whitesnake... He stole something of my fathers. Of our  fathers. I'm going to get it back, the disc."

"If that's what you wish. We'll get going now. Phoebe, call us once your back inside."

And with that, they left.

"We need to get to the prison Jojo. Let's go." She nods and they run back to the prison, going behind the gates that they were once inside of.

The officer doesn't notice the two. "I see some movement over there by the shore! It must be them!"

They run over to the gate with there rifles. Jolyne coughs, "actually we're behind the gate right here." Both girls raise their hands up in the air.

The guards turn around. "You bitches!" The man puts his finger on the trigger, but the other guard stops him.

"Hey, they have their hands up."

"Yeah but-"

"Do not fire. They both are unarmed." The man looks over at the girls. "Do you both surrender?" They nod.

"Shouldn't there be two other people? The tall man with the cap and the man with the white hair? They must be close, go find them!"

Sneakily, Jolyne uses her thread to talk to the boy with the baseball outfit. The string reaches all the way to the window in the prison.

Phoebe looks at Jolyne. "It's the boy?" She nods. "Yeah. I found out where he is."

The boy talks to the girls from the thread. "Phoebe, Jolyne. Why didn't you escape this prison? It's a tragedy, but both of your fathers are as good as dead. Both of their powers were taken by that weird mushy guy. You barely survived the trap he set for Jotaro and Polnareff! So why didn't you escape?!"

Jolyne frowns. "Because the one who did it went back inside. The culprits goal relies on their ability to steal people's stands by making them materialize. Whitesnake deliberately went back inside of the prison, so they must have what they need inside of the prison."

Phoebe nods along. "Yeah. Whitesnake must have a plan. My père told me something.. I think it has something to do with Dio and that plan he had."

The boys eyes widen. "And so what? You can't possibly think you can get the disc back. You really think they're going to come back to life if you do?"

He sighs "I don't want to be the one to tell you, but a dead body just rots. The bone I gave you.. Was from my mom. He took her soul as well. She died. My mother gave birth to me whenever she was a prisoner here. I've been hiding in this prison ever since."

Phoebe frowns. "I'm so sorry.. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm.. Emporio."

Johngalli lays on the ground, attempting to recover from the fatal hit Jolyne had landed on him.

"We did it.." He says weakly. "We got the invincible stand that can stop time."

Whitesnake laughs. "Yes, and we couldn't have done it without you, Johngalli. You and I make a quite formidable duo."

Johngalli chuckles, "Agreed. Now, can you help me back to the men's prison? I hadn't anticipated.. " he places his hand on the ground, looking for his weapon.

"That's strange. Where's my gun? Can you see it?"

"It's right here.."

Whitesnake shoots Johngalli in the head, killing him. He places it down next to Johngalli's hand.

"You were the only one who knew my true identity. And it just so happens you were the one who murdered that guard. With this, everything will work out very nice."

"Let's not forget my dear Phoebe. I suppose I should've taken her disc as well.."

He smirks. "To be able to communicate an idea to someone, Jotaro himself said what a wonderful thing it was. And he was right.."

He flips over Star Platinums disc, trailing a finger down it. "I have the proof right here."

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