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Hayley slowly walked up to her room, the lights were off and the party was long over. Taking a deep breath she twisted the door knob to her room and went inside, "Where have you been?" Jackson asked angrily, catching her by surprise as she didn't expect him to stand there in the dark and wait for her.

"That's none of your business and you shouldn't be here, we might be engaged but not married," She snapped angrily keeping her distance from him.

He walked closer to her with a crooked smirk that sent shivers down her spine, her instincts instantly becoming alarmed as he was basically breathing in her face. His fingers caressed her face slowly going to her neck where she caught his arm roughly shoving it away, "Playing tough? Preserving yourself for our wedding night?" He asked huskily, Hayley almost puked at the thought, thankfully he simply smirked and walked out.


Hayley got into the shower and let the warm water run over her curves. She tenderly moved her hands over her body looking for the much needed relaxation, massaging here and brushing there. Out of nowhere she thought of him, surprising even herself with her thoughts of a Man in such an intimate moment with herself. She brushed her hair from her face and got out of her delusional thoughts but her touch burned in her own skin and she remembered the touch of his lips above her wrist, almost wishing to feel his lips again, maybe all over her body and her stomach clenched in desire at the  thought.

Stepping out of the shower she dried her hair, carefully brushing it and leaving it to it's own natural waves. She replayed in her mind the way her Mom would braid her hair when she was younger, so when she got out of the bathroom and saw her Mom on her bed, she just smiled softly.

Her mom didn't ask anything, just waited for her Daughter and started braiding her hair with a sad smile and soon tears started sliding down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry baby, you deserve so much better than this," Lavinia whispered, finally saying what had bothered her ever since her little girl had been born. She still remembered that day, and as soon as she saw her Daughter, she asked her Husband to run, far away, away from the power hungry city of New Orleans that wanted her Daughter. But he was a stoic man, and as much as he loved his Daughter, he loved his City. And would have done anything to bring peace, even betrothing his beloved Hayley Andrea to someone.

"Do not cry mamà, he would have wanted New Orleans to be at peace," Hayley replied wanting to sooth her Mom.

"He would be sweetie, but I would have wanted you to be at peace with yourself," Lavina confessed sadly. "Finding someone you love and that someone love you, every single part of you, instead of because you are Andrea Labonair the saviour." Hayley limited to a simple nod of her head as she tenderly caressed her Mother's hand at her loving words to her, wanting the best for her.

It had been a long time since Hayley had come to terms with what would be her life, and had it not been for her loyalty to her Father's memory and to her devotion to her people she would have ended it a long time ago.


Klaus sat on his king sized bed, his body rigid, back pressed to the headboard. A soft hand caressed his chest, a slight whimper coming from the girl.

"Not sleepy, maybe I can help..." The blonde girl asked, straddling his lap bringing a smirk to his lips.

"I'm fine love, better tell me what brings you into my City."

Caroline smiled innocently while playing with her hair, still naked in his lap, "I just realised what has always been right before my eyes."

Klaus just smiled and turned them, hovering over her. It wasn't meaningful, deep or electric, just sex and release and a hollow heart. Just him trying to move on, trying to forget decent merciful lies, and forget beguiling soulful mesmerizing hazel green eyes and wide full lips and as long as it was convenient to both of them, he would just indulge.

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