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Mystic Falls

In the far side of Mystic Falls, deep in the forest now untouched by Men...where magic crossed the line of real. In the silence of the night and under the scrutinizing gaze of the Crescent Moon, the same Moon that once upon a time, saw that what is done by magic, shall not be undone by Men. In the same spot where a thousand years ago, a Mother torn by grief and a Father driven by ego, took the life of their children to make them reborn into undead creatures never seen before. The wind and trees still held the vibration of the magic, the stink of sacrificial blood as fresh as all those Moons ago. And if what had been done by magic cannot be undone by Men, then it might be undone by its own creator.


"So you think we should check this stinky bar?" Hayley asked wearing a half nauseous expression, not that she had never been in a broke down bar, but Rousseau's was different. The Mystic Grill gave more drama vibes than magic and that was not what they were looking for, but she should know better than that.

"The supernaturals of Mystic Falls aren't very smart little wolf, they like the game but always get played, you see...they think this bar is the right place to discuss supernatural news."

Hayley nodded and stepped out of the car, obviously they knew better than showing their from New Orleans, they had Lavinia and Freya holding up the illusion spell. Once in, Hayley got glimpses of people that seemed somewhat familiar, obviously the doppelgänger, Caroline who she remembered very well. She made a mental note to ask Klaus about his fall out with Caroline. A girl that she assumed was the Bennett witch, some vampire dude who seemed to be the leader of the whole thing, and another dude who to her surprise, was pretty human.

Her and Klaus opted for a booth not far from them, giving them just a glimpse of themselves, letting them wonder. It didn't take them long before starting to get little insights, from what she could make out of their conversation and what Klaus was carefully writing down for her on a paper, she understood that there was a problem with the other side.

Hayley wanted to snap their necks and pull their hearts so badly but she restrained herself, she just needed some more information in order to get a visual of the situation and a starting point for her look for Sophia. She found out more information before signaling for Klaus to stand, they had been there for a while now and couldn't afford to let the spell fail in front of everyone.

Quickly they stood from the booth and went to the car, where the driver was waiting for them. The ride home was silent if not for Hayley's stomach that was twisting after the crappy meal she had, but she was pretty sure no one but her noticed. She couldn't wait to get home and dig into the information she found... So as soon as they walked through the threshold she took a run for the studio, almost giving Klaus a heart attack, thinking that she wasn't feeling well.

Quickly grabbing one of her grimoires, that once belonged to the tribe of the Hollow, she examined all the information. There was a hole in the other side...or more of a crack because someone broke the balance and she knew for sure it wasn't her and Klaus creating a baby. She went on reading in between the lines gathering more information from Klaus.

The Bennett witch dying, coming back bringing back the young Gilbert, the improper use of the Gilbert ring, raising fucking Silas for the cure and waking Amara...the anchor of the of the other side. That was the crack in the balance, trying to undo magic by Men's hand.

"These children need to pay for what they have done!" She yelled standing up from her seat, heading for a mental meltdown.

"They will Hayley, but first I need you to explain to me, what is going on," Klaus answered calmly and asking in a firm but soft tone.

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