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The five witches sat at the kitchen table discussing the full moon ahead and what that would mean for the witch/wolf upstairs,

"We need to take the manacles off her before she turns, otherwise the wolf will destroy them and we will need to get them back on her after she turns to block her magic and keep her imprisoned, she is a powerful witch, Hayley doesn't even know her own power yet but she will after her wolf transformation," Witch one commented.

"I agree two of us should go and take the manacles off her while the other three do a subduing spell on her then she will be lockspelled into the room, she can turn in there and destroy it for all we care, she has to live in it and Jackson wants her to be as uncomfortable as possible and we are not being paid enough for this gig anyway....... fuck we should be getting danger money, we have taken the devil himselfs mate," Witch two barked furiously.

Hayley looked at the Five witches furiously her wolf eyes glowing, her hate for them had turned acidic in the past three weeks of being held prisoner here, her dignity stripped away, they barely fed her, they gave her rags to dress in, and her worry for her baby made her heart ache, she wanted to kill them all and she would love to tear Jackson apart, she knew he was behind this the witches voices carried up the stairs her room might be spelled but the rest of the house wasn't and one of these bitches had a booming voice.

She stayed silent as the witches entered her room and Hayley watched them silently feeling each witches magic as they chanted and unmancled her and left, Hayley would bid her time she thought cunningly.

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"She is too quiet," Number one witch announced as they all looked up at the house from outside, looking at Hayley's bedroom window and seeing no movement.

"The sun has only just dipped below the horizon, at between 8pm and 9pm the full moon will be at higher Lunistices, her bones will start breaking then, let us wait," And the witches nodded in agreement.

8pm came and went as did 9 pm and the witches heard nothing, "We should go and check her," Witch five announced agitated she had never wanted her coven to get involved with this kidnapping, but witch three had owed Jackson, what she owed him she didn't know, and she didn't want to, he sounded like a horrible person, drunk and unkempt with a domineering aggressive arrogant manner and there was always this look in his mud brown eyes, that witch five found disconcerting.

"I agree, we should all go and check her," Witch four agreed, holding onto witch five's hand and walking towards the house the other three witches joined their coven members and the five witches walked the staircase to Hayley's room, hearing nothing but silence, witch one opened the door and stepped in then the remaining four stepped into the bedroom, Hayley had been chanting luring them into the house subding their caution at approaching her so they would come to her enter the her prison room without thought and Hayley magically snapped their five necks, they snapped broken the sound filling the bare room loudly and they all fell to the ground, Hayley still chanting took the invisibility spell of herself, she ripped the ragged dress from her body and went to the witch that appeared to be a similar size to her and took her cardigan off and rolled the body lifting the black dress off the dead female, Hayley put it on over her naked body and the cardigan, she checked all the feet sizes of the witches and saw one of the witches had similar size feet as her own, she pulled the elastic sided boots and socks from her feet and put them on, she checked all the pockets of the witches clothing for phones, not finding any she went downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water she drank it down thirsty and checked the fridge, seeing roast chicken she tore a leg off and ate hungrily and searched the handbags hanging on the backs of the chairs, Hayley collected all the cash into one bag but found no phones, but she did find car keys, she needed to get away from this house and wherever this was so, she grabbed another bottle of water, the handbag and keys and ran out of the house seeing the sedan car she opened the door and turned back to the house and raised her hand "Incendia," She chanted watching the house burst into flames and got in the car.

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